Types of Pollution

The 2 main types of pollution on discussion here are namely  and

Land Pollution

Pollution occurs when people dispose of their waste on the land. The disposal of non-biodegradable and toxic waste in landfills may result in numerous problems.

Firstly, when it rains, rain water may seep through the soil and waste, dissolving and carrying away with it, harmful substances that pollute the soil, groundwater and any nearby streams. Moreover, when the waste in the landfill decomposes under heat and pressure of the soil above, they would release poisonous fumes such as methane. Many buildings in America and Europe are sited on such land. Hence, an excavation of the ground may result inn the release of these fumes into the atmosphere, killing people, animals and plants nearby. Moreover, the land above the landfill is filled with pockets of gas and this makes the land very unstable. Subsidence may occur at any time and this makes the land dangerous to live on. examples of such land include:

  • Love Canal, New York, USA
  • Portsmouth, England

Moreover, with a growing population on Earth, land is becoming scarcer and there may not be enough land to be used as landfills in the future.

Air Pollution


Of all types of pollution, air pollution is one of the most insidious and one of the most difficult to do anything about. It is difficult to contain and more often than not spans over whole countries or even whole continents. It poses a threat to the natural world and affects the human health. Its effects are wide-ranging and may even be devastating.

On an international scale, air pollution is caused by burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. Today, countless air pollutants are emitted everyday by cars and other motor vehicles. Some of these pollutants include carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons such as butane and methane. Some of these air pollutants can be very poisonous even in low concentrations and are invisible and may be undetected even when we are breathing them in.

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Human contamination of the earth’s atmosphere can take many forms and has existed since humans first began to use fire for agriculture, heating, and cooking. Urban air pollution is commonly known as smog which is a smoky mixture of carbon monoxide and organic compounds from incomplete combustion (burning) of fossil fuels such as coal, and sulfur dioxide from impurities in the fuels. As the smog ages and reacts with oxygen, organic and sulfuric acids condense as droplets, hence increasing the haze. Examples of such types of air pollution include:

  • In 1948, 19 people died and thousands were sickened by smog ...

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