Why is it difficult to achieve on the protection of the Global Environment? What concepts have been developed to overcome the difficulties?

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Why is it difficult to achieve on the protection of the Global Environment?

What concepts have been developed to overcome the difficulties?

Global environment has become a central problem of International Relations. Since mid twentieth century, human beings have been facing changes, mostly unpleasant, in global environment, particularly in weather as a result of human beings` action, activity, production and consumption, output and input etc.

In the start of second century, the world population was approximately 265 million. No matter how much mess they made, it did not affect global environment. Obviously, how bad they affected global environment at that time is indeed nothing compared with how deleterious human beings are affecting global environment at the present time.

Global environment problem includes  various  problems that happening in the world. Global warming is the main problem  that is threatening the world.

It is sometimes considered as almost the only problem of the environment, but, it is not.

Global warming  concerns  that the world is getting warmer due to the effect  of  industrial  productions. This is the so-called greenhouse effect.

The average surface temperature has been increased by about 0.6° Celsius since the  start  of  the  twentieth century and increased by 0.2°-0.3° Celsius  over the past 40 years. Since 1960s, the Arctic ice pack has reduced  its  thickness by 40%. The sea level is rising 3 times faster over the past 100 years than the past 3 millenniums.   The consequences of global warming are dangerous. For example, more extreme weather that cause floods, hurricanes, property destructions and diseases that  threat  human  beings  and  animals.

Another important problem of the environment is ozone layer. There is a layer of ozone around the globe, at  height  between 10  kilometres  and 35 kilometres, that protects human  beings and animals from harmful radiation.

The  problem is that the uses of chemicals in the earth have been damaging that layer. Some holes have been created which let the harmful radiation  pass through and then cause diseases such as cancer, in the  layer.

Also, one thing that effects global warming is deforestation, which is going on in many parts of the world. Many plants, including trees, that breathe in carbon  dioxide  and breathe  out oxygen, are being removed in  countries  such  as  Brazil  and Malaysia.

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This supports global warming process as well as the process of extinction of many  species.  As trees are  cut  down, many species that lived around trees, die.

Global warming  increases  the sea-level as it melts the  ice  caps  in the oceans. Again the consequences of rise in  sea-level  is  big. Various costal states will be  in serious  trouble, most of  them  are  poor countries.

For example, ten percent of Bangladeshi’s population which is ten million,  will  have  to be displaced  if  the sea  level  rises by one metre.

For  rich countries, however,  rising  sea level is  not ...

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