Analyse the main causes and consequences of the economic miracle and assess its overall significance for today's Italy.

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Chloe Baker

Analyse the main causes and consequences of the economic miracle and assess its overall significance for today's Italy.

The economic miracle was rapid northern industrialisation whilst the south lagged behind. The American Marshall plan1 aided finances and post war economic recovery. The government inherited extensive holdings in the industry from the fascist regime, including companies like steel, electronics, transport and communications. The economy was oriented towards the industrial and service sectors to the detriment of agriculture. In this essay I will examine what caused this 'miracle' and the consequences it lead to.

In the 1950's the Italian government made a drastic decision to open up the country to trade and let it integrate into the world market which allowed it to catch up rapidly with leading economies. In a world that is open to exchanges of commodities, capital, people, and ideas, those who start at the back can capitalise on certain advantages. They have the ability to do this because it is easier to innovate by buying or copying an existing technology than by inventing a new one from scratch. This therefore means that 'late-comers' to the economy can enjoy economic advantage as long as their economies are kept open and that internal costs, especially labour costs, rise in line with productivity.

Italy consisted of a strange industrial structure which was based largely on small firms which specialised in a number of non-capital, low technology industries2 . During the 1970's there was defensive decentralisation. This was the unintended effect of rapidly rising labour costs, stricter labour-protection laws and a general worsening of labour relations, all of these factors hit larger firms harder than smaller ones. Small firms were either explicitly exempted from some legal or collective bargaining provisions thanks to lower visibility and weaker union militancy. So, due to the fact Italy's economy was based largely on several small companies it didn't suffer drastically in this decentralising and so the economy continued to rise. These small firms are also thought to have flourished throughout Italy because of the industrial structure. These small businesses are not isolated, but are concentrated in integrated 'industrial districts' where a single production process is distributed among countless different firms. Some of these firms act as an interface with the final-product market. The existence of a pool of skilled workers, their collective knowledge of production and market processes, the favourable attitude of local authorities, and a high social regard for profit are main elements for the industrial districts' success.
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At the same time Italy was experiencing low labour costs, the lira also had a low-value which aided in fuelling an export led miracle. The Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi was one of Italy's most important state-owned enterprises and it played an important role as an agent of economic growth. It did this through the supply of an expensive source of energy. Along with state-owned companies enhancing and dominating the economic boom, public sector intervention and investment in communications enabled the expansion of private firms like Fiat, Olivetti and Pirelli.

Another key factor in Italy's economic miracle was the ...

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