Argumentative essay - Suicide.

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Argumentative Essay: Suicide

By Edward Smirnov

Suicide and its consequences is something that people maybe never seriously think about, although it has been going on from, I would say the start of history as hard times, depression and honour is something time brings with it to every human being at some stage. This is something that people get affected by and it happens, in some places maybe more than others. The three main religions see it as unacceptable and wrong, they say “Life is precious, there are no circumstances where the taking of your own life is an acceptable option”, but sometimes, some people find it very hard to cope with life at a particular hard or very hard time, that they see no other option than taking their own life, they see it as freeing themselves. Others die in honour for ex: their country, it could also be that they save many lives at the cost of theirs. Is not committing suicide the right thing when you have the right to do whatever you want over your own live, just so you face the consequences (where in this case, there are no for you except death)? Or is it not for the better, that you take your life and by doing so save many? And have you not got the right to replace all the moments of agony and pain, with something you see is better for you?

Suicide is opposed and said to be wrong, forbidden and not an acceptable option for those who want to take their lives by the three main religions, in Muslim views it is said that what ever happens to a person, no matter how painful, it is never a good enough reason to end life by suicide. I agree to a certain extend. As I see it, you do never know what next sunrise and day will bring with it, you might loose all your worries in time, even if the situation you are in is very hard and extremely painful and so if these people think that nothing will ever get better without themselves trying to make it better (or even if they are trying), by ending their own life, they may have missed the chance of making every thing get better the following day or even hour. But then again we may never know how hard and how pain it is for a individual to live in that amount of agony, that they are willing to end their own life. What I am saying is that I think every one knows deep inside them that their life is precious, but through such a hard time that no option works for very long, and nothing gets better and only seems to get worse, there is no other way, life might change over the next day or hour, but then again it has not for long, and it is very unlikely so do you live the rest of your life in agony, or relieve yourself from all pain and end the great sorrow? That is what I see many would do (if the situation was that bad). Also, are you not the one in charge of your own life? I definitely think you are. And so I disagree with these religious sayings.

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        Many things can make a person end their life like sorrow and grief, pain and agony but also honour. Like the Japanese kamikaze pilots and fighters who take their lives for: their families to get reward and honour like money, to save many other peoples lives or just purely for patriotism. Are they wrong in doing so? Is their lives more worth than many others? I must say, for all options and decisions people make when they commit suicide, it depends very much on the situation they are in (and that makes it very difficult to say whether they are ...

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