Article 39 of the treaty is concerned with the free movement of workers within the European community.

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Article 39 of the treaty is concerned with the free movement of workers within the European community. Art 39 was set up so that the article and the secondary legislation implementing it are granted to workers and their families. The next natural step therefore would be to define a worker. The definition of the term worker has been held to be a matter of community law as established in the case of Levin v staatssecretaries van justute.

The first case to define the term worker was the case of  Hoekstra v BBDA. Within the judgement it was stated that the court will construe the term broadly, given that the “establishment of the freedom constitutes part of the foundations of the community” . In addition, the case of  lawrie- blum suggested that the essential characteristics of a worker is that during a certain period of time he performs services for and under the direction of another in return for remuneration. However, due to importance placed on the broadness of the term “worker” it can be separated in to 3 different aspects within the definition.

The first is the economic and social aspect.  Indeed a number of cases have been concerned with the interplay between the social and economic aspect of free movement, as determined by the level of remuneration, and the social aspect underlying free movement policy. Indeed the economic and social aspect of the term worker was firstly addressed in the case of levin. In this case the E.C.J held, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from the Dutch Raad Van state, that the term worker applied to those who worked to a limited extent, such as part time work, Although it was necessary that the work was “real work” and not nominal or minimal.   By real work it is meant that the work is genuine and is an effective economic activity. This was done in order to subdue state membership concerns that their social security schemes would become over used. The court finalised the judgement by stating that the Levin principle applied whether the worker was self supporting or whether he wished to make do with less than the national minimum income

In kempf the issue  of part time work was again discussed. In this case the Raad  van state referred to the E.C.J the question of whether  part time worker whose income was below that of subsistence level and who did not have sufficient means of support was a worker entitled to benefit under community law. It has held that a “person who pursued a genuine and effective activity as an employed person, even on a part time basis, could not be excluded from the scope of community laws merely because he sought to supplement his income, which was lower than the means of subsistence. It was irrelevant whether the income was supplemented out of a private income or from public funds”. Since this case the broad reading from the term worker is also to be seen in other cases. For example the E.C.J ruled that the practise of sport may fall within community law in so far as it constitutes an economic activity, although the composition of national teams could be a question of purely sporting and not economic interest . However it should be noted that the court has also held that the duration of the activity was a factor that might be taken in to account in assessing whether the employment was effective and genuine or limited as to make it marginal and ancillary

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The courts have interpreted the term worker in terms of the residual relevance of the purpose of employment. The general rule hear is that the purpose for which employment is undertaken will not be relevant in determining whether a person is a worker. As already mentioned providing the employment is genuine and not marginal it will be protected by art 39. However there are exceptions where some account has been taken of the purpose of employment. In the case of Bettray paid activity provided by the state as part of a drug rehabilitation programme under its social employment law was held ...

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