"Because nationalism rests on no more than an emotive appeal to 'tribal' loyalties, in a pluralistic society it is always a recipe for conflict". Discuss.

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“Because nationalism rests on no more than an emotive appeal to ‘tribal’ loyalties, in a pluralistic society it is always a recipe for conflict”. Discuss.

Nationalism is key and central in the study of world politics. Indeed, within the political spectrum, nationalism is perhaps the strongest emotion in the human psyche. Even the likes of religion, class, individual or group interest are in general, overshadowed by nationalism in today’s politics. The 20th century highlighted the nationalism issue with the break up of many states such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia who are important in light that there was a great deal of bloodshed in the process. Furthermore, the ongoing conflict in Northern Ireland and the nationalist activities in Spain, would suggest that nationalism undoubtedly leads to conflict and perhaps even war. However, not all believe that nationalist passions are negative. Ernest Gellner believes that nationalism was critical in the founding of a modern industrial society. Nationalism can be seen to encourage creative thought in society and help economies flourish as is the case with the Republic of Ireland which gained independence through nationalist movement. This is why the discussion over whether nationalism is a recipe for conflict is necessary.

In tackling the issue of nationalism, it is wise to first define the term. This in itself can be difficult as many thinkers have their own interpretation of nationalism. Montserrat Guibernau gives a somewhat simple but universal when she states, “the sentiment of belonging to a community whose members identify with a set of symbols, beliefs and ways of life, and have the will to decide upon their common political destiny”.

Nationalism can be regarded as a characteristic possessed by people who are aware of the nation that they belong to. Nationalism seeks to safeguard the interests or beliefs of a nation. It stems from a notion of pride or passion affiliated with that nation which is often regarded as patriotism. Nationalism can be witnessed in cases where people wear attire brandishing the colours associated with their nation or when people sing the anthem of their nation. This is commonly regarded as ‘official nationalism’.

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Nationalism has surfaced as one of the dominant issues in contemporary politics. This co-insides with the ever increasing plural society that exists today. It is this very fact that has brought nationalism to the forefront of politics. Every state in the world is becoming more multi cultural with modernisation in transport and communication. This leads to states having a wealth of identities every one as distinctive as the next. However, it is the holding to of national identity so strong that has thinkers confused. There is a multitude of ways in which people could claim identity such as their ...

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