Bottom Billion. Currently, most of the bottom billion people live in African countries. The major problem with these countries is not that they are poor, but that they are not developing.

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Miguel Mantica                                                                        Technology and Culture

October 28, 2011           Professor Griffith

The Bottom Billion

The development of the poor countries has been a challenge during the past decades. The world consists of one billion rich people and five billion poor people. Most of five billion live in countries that are developing. However, there are one billion people that live in countries that are falling behind and even apart. These countries are facing a bigger problem that one can imagine. The world is becoming globalized. Countries are reducing import quotas and export fees facilitating trade with each other. Also, countries are starting to provide resources, materials and technology to each other allowing them to develop at amazing speed. On the other hand, the bottom billion countries are diverging from this economy, since they are stuck in one of the four traps. The four traps are the conflict trap, the natural resource trap, the trap of being landlocked and the trap of bad governance in a small country. These traps will not allow billion bottom countries to become globalized; however, it can be argued that some of these traps can facilitate the incorporation of a country to world’s economy.

        Currently, most of the bottom billion people live in African countries. The major problem with these countries is not that they are poor, but that they are not developing. In fact, most of the bottom billion countries are experiencing negative growth and the living standards are lowering each year.  These countries are declining on average 0.5 percent per year. Furthermore, the living conditions are horrible and people are dying at a very early age. The life expectancy in these countries is fifty years while in a developing country is sixty-seven years. These lowering standard of living and negative growth are mainly because the country is in one of the four traps.

        The first trap which is civil war will definitely not allow a bottom billion country to become globalized. Advanced countries such as Britain, Russian and USA have experienced civil war in the past, but they were over very quickly and were not continuously repeated. On the other hand, bottom billion countries tend to get stuck in civil wars for many years. Statistics have shown that countries with low growth are prone to civil wars. Each percentage point added to the growth rate will knock off a percentage point of risk for war. If a country is declining at 3% per year, the risk to engage into a civil war will increase by 3%. Furthermore, bottom billion countries tend to have low income people making it even more vulnerable to civil war. A rebel leader Laurent Kabila said that he only needed $10,000 to hire a small army to start a civil war. These people are hopeless in poverty and with small chance to get rich; they will join a rebel movement. Therefore, the negative growth and low income people will cause civil wars constantly in bottom billion countries. These civil wars cause many negative effects. It reduces growth by 2.3% per year. If country has a civil war for 10 year, it will be 23% poorer. Also, it causes many diseases, terrorism, and migration. All these problems will not allow the country to trade with nearby countries and become economically stabled.

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        The natural resource trap tends to have overall negative effects on an economy. In fact, 29% percent of the people in the bottom billion live in countries with many resources.  Most people believe that the discovery of a natural resource will lead to prosperity; however, it does not result this way according to Paul Collier. The excess of natural resource exports cause country’s currency to rise, making it less valuable to sell outside the country. The export of other goods will become unworthy. Companies will have to produce less and will stop making technological advances. Therefore, in the long-run the ...

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