Class appears to have returned convincingly to geography agendas (Stenning, 2008: 9). Discuss

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Culture, Place and Society

‘Class appears to have returned convincingly to geography agendas’ (Stenning, 2008: 9). Discuss

In times of old, Class analysis has been seen only to concern those in the field of sociology. The issue of class in Sociology means that class is coterminous with economic activity, suggesting that position within the class system is purely based on the occupation you may have and the wage you receive from this. In sociological terms class is the ‘hierarchal system’ or arrangement that people have within society. It is based on economic stature and interests alone creating social divisions and contributing to the economic apartheid some countries experience today. However, class is not solely based upon economic wealth anymore, according to other social sciences; such as Human Geography. Although, economic interests are still to have an effect on class, it is not the sole purpose of an individual’s positioning on the hierarchical system or the reason for their categorisation into a particular social class. Human geography suggests that social inequalities, segregation, regeneration and even territorialisation are also to blame for class divides within society and even the location of an individual or group (spatial divide) can become one of the reasons particular groups receive class names.

Karl Marx, one of the earliest Socialists, is evident of this idea that economic interests are the basis of your class. He suggests that “class is defined by collective groups or individuals who share economic and social relations, with intrinsic tendencies and interests that are different from other interests of other groups within society. For Marx, classes are defined and structured by the relations concerning work and labour and ownership or possession of property and the means of production”. This again suggests that the issue of class is that of economic value which ultimately decides positioning within the class system or divide, thus a social relationship with other classes e.g. higher class won’t mix with lower class thus leading to class division or segregation. Marx using the process of categorisation put people within society into groups or classes. As each different class is a group the categorisation process was that of mere economic wealth or earnings creating social divide amongst the people, purely based on economic interests.  “Karl Marx focused his search for the basic principles of history on the economic environments in which societies develop. He believed that society is divided into those who own the means of producing wealth and those who do not, giving rise to class conflict”. (Michael Hughes, 2008). This suggests that economic areas and environments are created excluding those who do not work or have a particular occupation, again basing the class system solely on economic interests within society.

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Recently, however the shift of this analysis has changed with the topic becoming more popular with social sciences such as Human Geography. “Within a society, a set of people who are of the same economic position, and who may share the same tastes and social status. In capitalist societies, class is defined by socio-economic status, but post-Fordism has created a new division: specialist, skilled workers, in highly paid positions with a large degree of self-determination, and low-paid workers with few skills, working in poor conditions with little or no security. This pattern is common in service employment, but is exacerbated ...

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