Define the following concepts: race, ethnicity and racism. Explain why it is still important to study these concepts in the sociology of sport

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KIEGAN VALLELY       07839062 Define the following concepts: race, ethnicity and racism. Explain why it is still important to study these concepts in the sociology of sport. ‘Race’ as defined in the Cambridge dictionary is “a group, especially of people, with particular similar physical characteristics, who are considered as belonging to the same type, or the fact of belonging to such a group”. Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) – “the father of modern racism” as stated by Giddens (2006), suggested the existence of three races: White (Caucasian), Yellow (Mongoloid), Black (Negroid). Gobineau believed white race was superior to the others and ‘race mixing’ leads to chaos. Later, the Nazism, Ku Klux Klan and the Apartheid borrowed much of Gobineau's ideology. Giddens(2006) also adds “Race is a social construction. It ‘can be understood as a set of social relationships which allow individuals and groups to be located, and various attributes or competencies assigned, on the basis of biologically grounded features. Racial distinctions are more than ways of describing human differences – they are also important factors in the reproduction of patterns of
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power and inequality within society”, That is to say culture or societies have their own conventional rules, grounded locations and within any mixed society there would racial differences. Ian MacDonald (2002) tells of how many authors, put ‘race’ in inverted commas to alert the reader that they are referring to the ‘idea of race’, rather than claiming that the term has any objective biological validity. ‘Race’ is made meaningful within society via the ways in which we imagine it to exist, and subsequently organize our lives and identities around it         Cambridge (2003) defines ethnicity as “of a national or racial ...

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