Demonstrate that you can think sociologically about any one topic analysed by sociologists.

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Demonstrate that you can think sociologically about any one topic analysed by sociologists.

To study suicide in sociology is to delve into the relationship between the individual and society. Suicide is one of the classic sociological studies in the exploration of the cohesion between the individual and society. Suicide was believed to be too much of an individual act to be studies sociologically.

Emile Durkheim was the first to create a sociological explanation of suicide. He believed that all humans believed they lived under world where free will reigned, but Durkheim believed that their actions were frequently socially patterned and molded. He saw suicide as a highly personal act and believed even this act is affected by the social world.

Durkheim believed that suicide was a social fact that could only be explained by other social facts. Durkheim used official suicide statistics, which he regarded as social facts. From these statistics he found that certain groups of people were more likely to commit suicide than others. He concluded that the society had a part in affecting the individual and the act of suicide.

Durkheim according to the concept of social solidarity believed that there were two types of bonds in society one being social integration and the other social regulation. Individuals who were integrated soundly into society and who lived by social norms were less likely to commit suicide. Durkheim from these conclusions identified four types of suicide.

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Firstly egotistic suicide is due to a low integration in society. This is when an individual is secluded from the outside world. Where the individual has lost or broken their ties with society. Durkheim believed this was why more Protestants committed suicide than Catholics. He believed Catholics integrated their members more strongly than Protestants. Durkheim concluded that the ‘higher rate of suicide associated with Protestantism results from it being a less strongly integrated church than the Catholic Church’.

Anomic suicide is caused by a lack of social regulation. This occurred when traditional norms and values were disrupted ...

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