Discuss the importance of understanding of the

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Essay Title: Discuss the importance of understanding of the 

different ethnic and religious identities of both clients and workers, 

in the provision of social services in Europe and the UK, including 

that of the Social Worker? Give examples. 

I will discuss the following topics to help indicate why it is not only important for the 

social worker to understand ethnic and religious identity, but a crucial factor if we are to 

evolve towards greater equality in society. 

Global Agenda 

How global issues highlight the importance of understanding different ethnic and 

religious identities both in Europe and the UK for. 

Social Stigmatisation & Cultural Conflict 

How understanding the cause and impact of social stigma helps ascertain as to why 

different ethnic or religious individuals are more at risk of being socially excluded, thus 

indicating the importance of understanding different ethnic and religious identities. 


1. Statutory duties of the Social Services and how they impact on the role of the social 

worker within the context of understanding religious and ethnic identities. 

2. Female circumcision: Balancing the interests of the individual’s cultural values and 

traditions within the restrictions of the law. 

Climbie Inquiry 

How service providers’ assumptions reduce their capacity to critically engage with 

clients’ from different ethnic backgrounds, therefore highlighting the importance of 

understanding different ethnic and religious identities.

For the purposes of clarification, I shall begin with a definition of concept of religion, 

ethnicity and identity, followed by a definition of the role of the ‘Social Worker’. 

Terms Of Definition 


‘Adj. 1 (of a social group) having a common national of cultural tradition… 

n. a member of an (esp. minority) ethnic group. ’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 1996) 

‘An ethnic group is one whose members have common origins, a shared sense of history, 

a shared culture and a sense of collective identity. All human beings belong to an ethnic 

group in this sense. In popular usage, however, the term ‘ethnic’ implies not-Western (as 

in ‘ethnic food’) not-white (‘ethnic communities’)…’ (Parekh, 2002) 


‘Adj 1  devoted to religion; pious, devout. 2  of or concerned with religion. 3  of or 

belonging to a monastic order. 4  scrupulous, conscientious (a religious attention to 

detail)…’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 1996) 


‘n.  1 a the quality or condition of being a specified person or thing. b individuality, 

personality (felt he had lost his identity)…’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 1996) 

In accordance with this, religious identity is essentially a matter of self-identification 

and/or self-declaration of those who believe in, or also follow the doctrine of a particular 


In summary, the term Ethnic and religious identity can be used to express the notions of 


Social Worker 

Due to the nature of social work, there are varying definitions considered perhaps more 

appropriate depending on the role in which the social worker must play. However, the 

definition below gives a general overview for the role of a Social Worker. 

 ‘The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in 

human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to 

enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social 

systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with 

their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are 

fundamental to social work. ’

                                                 (International Federation Of Social Workers, 2000) 

Global Agenda 

One of the greatest challenges facing the European Union and a key element in 

promoting economic and social cohesion within the EU is the “integration” of minority 

ethnic communities.’ (SEEM, 2005, p.1). Also, due to the continuing expansion of the 

European Union, a greater number of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants are 

relocating to the UK. For these reasons the Social Services have had to adopt a more 

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international outlook to support the interests of these immigrants. 

‘Over the next decade there will be a significant increase in most European 

countries as middle-aged people from minority ethnic groups reach 

retirement. Minority ethnic elders are more likely to face a greater level of 

poverty, live in poorer quality housing, and have poorer access to benefits 

and pensions than fellow citizens.’                                  (SEEM, 2005, p.1) 

This predicted dilemma will inevitably fall into the responsibilities of the Social Services 

across Europe, and the social worker ...

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