Discuss the relationship between globalization and post-colonialism

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Discuss the relationship between globalization and post-colonialism

This essay will investigate two ways of looking at globalization and post-colonialism and conclude with the relationship between the two based on and understanding, that while globalization is a post-national phenomenon, post-colonialism is linked to the epoch of the nation state. This view clearly sets globalization and post-colonialism at odds with one another, each belonging to a separate epoch.  Post-colonialism is connected with the use of the nation state, i.e. a full range of colonialism from absolute complicity to violent rebellions as well as society continuously responding to the experience of colonial contact.  Globalization however, is connected with the rise of transnational corporations and the proliferation of markets that regularly cross nation-state boundaries.  The second view is that globalization was first developed in connection with the expansion of the nation-state.  History suggests that nation states have always seeked to expand in to other territory, seeking new avenues for resources and markets.  However, due to the power of multinational corporations which increasingly operate outside the interest and boundaries of the state, the current form of globalization instead challenges the power and autonomy of some nation states.  It is this paradox that has caused some social scientist to increasingly examine the relationship between globalization and post-colonialism, thus the same reason as to why I am going to discuss the relationship between the two.  The history of post-colonialism and the building of the nation-state are part of a long history of globalization.  There is no historical break separating the two.

There is considerable agreement among economic historians that capitalism as a mode of organizing social and economic, began in the sixteenth century with outward expansion, creating a network of material exchanges.  This network developed over time in to a world market for goods and services; also known as international division of labor.  By the end of the nineteenth century the project of a single capitalist world economy had been completed in the sense that the grid of exchange relationship now covered practically all the geographical areas of the world.  From 1500-1800 (known as the mercantile phase) was focused on the transfer of economic surplus through looting and plundering disguised as trade.  During this phase, European merchants scoured the coasts of Africa and Asia and lands of South America in search of gold, spices, slaves and conquest of existing trade routes.  Europeans were able to transfer economic sap his back to Europe where it helped to pay for the Industrial Revolution.  A mercantile imperialism, began to emerge in the early Renaissance, the ‘Age of Discoveries’; it was honed by the Enlightenment emphasis on individual development through empiricism, reason, and training. (Lawson, Tiffin 1994)

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 After 1800’s, Europe embarked on mass industrialization and it was looking for market outlets as well as supplies of raw materials and food.  Territorial annexation was forced on statesmen and public opinion by the ever more frantic economic rivalry between European nations.  

During this period, colonialism witnessed an extraordinary internationalization of capital.  A handful of countries in Europe together with the USA were responsible for 85% of all international lending.  About half of this, some $44 billion, went to the continents of Asia, Africa, and South America.  There it found its way in to the building of railways, ...

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