Does Globalisation necessarily mean the end of the "nation-state"?

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Does Globalisation necessarily mean the end of the "nation-state"?

Globalization is certainly the buzzword of the new millennium as a term that we hear, see, or look everywhere in many subjects. It is an idea whose time has come, yet it lacks precise definition.1 Definitions of globalization are various since there is no certain and exact meaning of it. Thus, it attracts attention of different levels and has been questioned and debated. The debates have raised different school of thoughts whereas they argue how globalization should be best-conceptualized. Although a thesis refers it as 'a necessary myth',2 I believe that globalization happens. I tend to refer it as a set of processes.

There are many aspects covered by globalization thus it undoubtedly is an important issue in International Political Economy (IPE) as well. When it comes to the world economy, globalization has made a vast change when the world becomes more borderless. The increasing transactions across the border of nation-states with a borderless trade and market, the eroded autonomy of nation-state's government to control over economy and political agenda, the emerging economic integration which has a possibility in becoming a supranational institution are just a few examples of what makes globalization becomes the most interesting yet the most ubiquitously debated issue today. The phenomenon has risen the question of what the role of nation-state will eventually be in the future if the world becomes more 'globalized'. It has such raised questioned whether or not globalization will be the phenomenon that will end the existence of nation-state.

Does globalization necessarily mean the end of nation-state? I tend to believe that globalization does not necessarily mean the end of nation states. Main arguments of my answer are based on the three issues of which they have arisen in the process in economic globalization. They would be the growing international movement of Multinational Companies (MNCs), the emerging regional integration, and the tendency of international trading regime. Meanwhile, an approach of Realists is also used to support and in defending my argument. It should be noted that, in term of IPE, this essay only emphasizes on economic globalization and how it has influenced the contemporary world politics within its reconfiguration. In supporting my arguments, debates of globalization surrounding the topic are also mentioned.

First of all, we have to know what globalization is. Scholte wrote that globalization is a distinctive and significant feature of recent world history.3 As a phenomenon, globalization covers an extensive range of aspects such as economic, politics, social and cultural. There are many essential definitions covering the idea of globalization. What David Held stated perhaps links to the term of economic globalization in this case, globalization is fundamentally a spatial phenomenon; it lies on a spectrum with the local and national at one end and the (supranational) regional and global at the other. ...It is about the interconnections between different regions of the world - from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the environmental - and the ways in which they change over time."4 International flows of people, activity and interaction, goods, information and technology, communication, and cooperation indicate the process of globalization.

In term of economic globalization, some would say that, today, fewer and fewer activities are oriented towards local - or even national - markets; more and more have meaning only in regional or a global context.5. Bhagwati described that Economic globalization constitutes integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investment (by corporations and multinationals), short-term capital flows, international flows of workers, and humanity generally, and flows of technology.6 Economic globalization seems to be the most debated issue since it has not only caused such a vast change in economic field but also in other aspects when the world becomes more borderless. In essence, Activities such as the accelerating international flows of goods, capital, people, and services; international free trade and free market; international and or regional organizations, institutions, and cooperations; international trade and finance organizations; and increasing of Multinational Companies (MNCs) across borders - which some has also been transformed into Transnational Companies (TNCs), somewhat denote the contemporary economic activities. For example, we can find tropical fruits sold in Saint Martin Indoor Market in Birmingham even in winter time because it has been imported as a benefit of the international flows of goods. The contemporary trend of globalization has made it possible for foreign people in a country competing with native ones. The global economy, characterized by massive transnational flows of capital, labour, and dominated by Multinational Companies, looms large in this process.7
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On the other hand, political globalization is what happens in world politics as a result of the increasing economic activities within that of multiple processes. In this process, world politics has experienced a reconfiguration whereas there are other actors besides nation states in world politics that should be acknowledged; actors such as MNCs, international and or regional organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, and international pressure groups. The reconfiguring shape of contemporary world politics brought up a question about the role of nation states in political activities; whether or not these changes will finish the state, or even its sovereignty ...

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