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In this paper, I intend to analyse the extent to which the current Labour administration shows the characteristics of a presidential government.  To do this, the term ‘presidential’ must first be defined.  A definition of a presidential government that is generally accepted by political analysts is ‘a system of government in which the powers of the president are constitutionally separate from those of the legislature.’  The British system of government is parliamentary and does not match the definition of presidential.  Therefore, the question must be answered by looking at the individual features of a presidential government and comparing them with aspects of the Labour administration and Tony Blair in particular.  I will conclude by summarising the arguments presented.

In 1997 it is fair to say that the Labour party was desperate after being out of power for fifteen years.  But there was hope.  A relatively new face had emerged to become the leader of New Labour.  In an era when political parties are run like organisations and rely on numbers and strong leaders, Tony Blair filled his party with excitement and anticipation.  He went on to lead the party to a landslide victory in the general election after a campaign that focused significantly on his personality.  Inevitably, Tony Blair was idolised by his party for this achievement.  However this wasn’t the first time in British Politics that the emphasis was placed so strongly on an individual.

Periods of the 1980s Thatcher government were described as presidential in style.  These periods coincided with convincing election victories and strong cabinet allegiance.  However as soon as public support faltered, Thatcher faced criticism from within her own party saying that she had filled the cabinet with compliant cronies.  After Thatcher’s resignation in 1990, all of the leadership candidates promised to restore cabinet government.  This was obviously an important issue, especially for the disgruntled Tory backbenchers that had either been dismissed from the cabinet by Thatcher or never made it there in the first place.  Could this have been a significant factor in the demise of the once unassailable Thatcher?

New Labour saw the British system of government, with ministers having their own powers and separate agendas, as being potentially dangerous for policy making and therefore called for some sort of coordination.  Peter Mandelson was appointed in 1997 as a minister without portfolio.  Mandelson’s job was labelled ‘the government enforcer’.  The idea of Mandelson’s controversial post was to coordinate the government’s policy making across departments to promote ‘joined-up thinking’ and ‘joined up government’ (Mandelson 1997).  However, his appointment was seen by many political spectators as an attempt to centralise cabinet powers and threaten the relative autonomy of cabinet ministers.  This ‘centralisation of power’ was seen as a move towards a more presidential-style government.  Others saw the ‘integration’ as an essential strategy needed for New Labour to make an effective government and deliver on all of it’s ambitious manifesto promises.

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Some critics believe that rather than centralising and coordinating the powers of the cabinet, Blair is actually endeavouring to immobilize it completely.  The question of Mr Blair ‘sidelining’ cabinet was raised by Mo Mowlam in 2001 when she said after she resigned that “Cabinet government is dead” and “Tony’s acting more like a president than a prime minister.”  Political commentators such as Nick Cohen have also said that the demise of the cabinet is already in effect.  He describes cabinet meetings as “half an hour or less on a Thursday morning, when most of the real decisions are cut ...

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This is a very weak essay. Were it being marked for my first year British Politics module, it would be in line with my department's marking criteria for the 3rd category. This is for the following reasons: 1) Referencing! There are no academic references here at all. Not one. For a first year essay I would expect to see between 6-10 sources as a minimum, and to see them actually used. The sources in the bibliography (textbooks) do not appear in the essay, and the (newspaper) sources which do are not in the bibliography. This is such bad practice and leaves the student open to allegations of plagiarism, which would ensure far bigger problems than a poor essay mark. 2) No critical engagement. As aforementioned, the lack of academic sources entails there is virtually no engagement with theories or concepts, the independent understanding of which should form the backbone of university level politics work. 3) Little evidencing. There is so much assertion here it's shocking. ANY time you make a point such as 'some people believe', you need to specify which people these are, and preferably reference it. 4) Weak structure. This is a bit of a magical mystery tour, with no explanation in the introduction as to what points will be made and in what order. Paragraphs lead nowhere. 5) Poor definition. There is no attempt to outline distinctive features of presidentialism or parliamentary government, and to consider how these have changed over time. Equally, there is little notion of where power lies in each and what the effects might be of increasing presidentialism within a parliamentary system.