Emotional Intelligence: A Closer Look.

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Necie Seidl  

Emotional Intelligence:

A Closer Look

Necie Seidl

IS 101, TTH 2-3:30

Professor Karen Kilgus

May 11, 2004

Emotional Intelligence is a concept commonly underestimated.  Taking the proper amount of time out to get to know oneself is a valuable skill not too many are aware exist.  I intend to put the concept of emotional intelligence under the microscope.  What IS emotional intelligence (EIQ)?  Does it have a place in psychological and/or scientific history?  To what extent are the components of emotional IQ rooted in our ontogeny, and which structures in the brain contribute to emotional awareness?  How can the utilization of EIQ help to raise a more emotionally aware generation?  In what ways can a working knowledge of body language, as it functions within each culture, enrich ones EIQ?

        Emotional Intelligence has been defined in many different ways, though that is to be expected considering the fact that EIQ has yet to be universally recognized by science and psychology as a pure form of intelligence.  Dr. Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of various self-help books, defined EIQ as:  Knowing ones emotions, Managing Emotions, Motivating Oneself, Recognizing Emotions in Others, and Handling Relationships.  This is vastly different from the typical Intelligence Quotient which is defined as: “The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed as a quotient multiplied by 100.”  Unfortunately, it isn’t clear whether or not the “tested mental age to chronological age” has changed from that of its inception, or if these concepts even apply to today’s expectations.  Goleman points out:

IQ and emotional intelligence are not opposing competencies, but rather separate ones.  We all mix intellect and emotional acuity; people with high IQ but low emotional intelligence (or low IQ and high emotional intelligence) are, despite the stereotypes, relatively rare.  Indeed, there is a slight correlation between IQ and some aspects of emotional intelligence—though small enough to make clear these are largely independent entities.

        “Each of us has embedded in him a large number of thoroughly learned response patterns that can be set off at any time by an appropriate stimulus.  We can be pacified, enraged, or seduced almost at will by anyone who knows the code.”  This observation emphasizes the fact that, whether willingly or not, we are at the mercy of those we interact with-and their levels of EIQ.  

          Examining the history of standardized testing as a means of diagnosing intelligence allows the plight of EIQ to surface all the more readily.  The first intelligence tests were devised by Sir Francis Galton in 1895, who sought to show that intelligence was inherited.  Alfred Binet, who developed a scale to measure a child’s mental age, launched modern intelligence testing in 1905.  In 1916, Lewis Terman revised the Binet scale to produce the Standford-Binet, which introduced the Intelligence Quotient (IQ).  In 1939, David Wechsler published an improved measure of intelligence for adults, which introduced the deviation IQ score based on the normal distribution.  When 1983 rolled around, psychologist Howard Gardner came out with his influential spin on intelligence:  Frames of Mind, in which he claimed that:

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Human intelligence encompasses a far wider, more universal set of competencies.  Currently I count eight intelligences, and there may be more.  They include what are traditionally regarded as intelligences, such as linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities, but also some that are not conventionally thought of in that way, such as musical, interpersonal and spatial capacities.  These intelligences, which do not always reveal themselves in paper-and-pencil tests, can serve as a basis for more effective educational methods.

Then in 1994, psychologist Richard J. Hernnstein and policy analyst Charles Murray came out with the controversial classic:  The Bell Curve.  Though not in conscious ...

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