Environmental Displacement. The issue of environmental refugees has been given a lot of attention in recent times by the media, policy makers and academics. The main area of apprehension is whether environmental change will cause large number of helpless

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Richard Anderson                                                                                                                          

 International Politics: Politics of Displacement(IP3010)                

     The issue of environmental refugees has been given a lot of attention in recent times by the media, policy makers and academics. The main area of apprehension is whether environmental change will cause large number of helpless people in developing countries to be displaced because of lack of adequate opportunities arising due to climate change and depletion of natural resources. In fact there are several academic publications and international conferences on the subject that highlight the issue but well documented instances of environmentally generated migration has been mainly restricted to severe events such as Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti and other natural disasters. Man made events such as the establishment of the Three Gorges Dam in China is also said to have displaced large number of people. The consequences of small scale and pervasive forms of environmental changes such as soil degradation and droughts limit the ability to make prediction about the extent and nature of potential levels of displacement of human beings under conditions of accelerated environmental change. However, research has revealed that environmentally led migration is usually temporary and involves comparatively lesser distances in variance with apprehensions about mass exodus of refugees across international borders (Castles, 2002).

      According to Myers (1997), natural and man made disasters associated with environmental change are forcing millions of people to leave their homeland. However this does not entail that environmental issues always result directly in displacement of people. Instead, environmental pressures lead to land impoverishment, competition and encroachment on areas that are ecologically weak and thus lead to the impoverishment of that land. In turn, such events result in ethnic and political conflict that can lead to violence and wars, which often proves to be the immediate reason for flight. Most environmental refugees eventually land in slums or camps that are set for internally displaced people in the country of their origin. However millions leave their country and look for refuge in neighboring states where they could cause more environmental complexities and conflict. But, according to Myers (1997), many amongst them make attempts to gain entry into developed nations of North America and Europe. Therefore it can be said that the issue of environmental refugees ‘promises to rank as one of the foremost human crises of our times’ (Myers, 1997p.185). Developed countries have begun to restrict entry to such refugees but experts feel that it will be practically impossible to check the rising flood of environmental refugees. In fact refugee camps and shanty towns that are established with the entry of these refuges will become breeding ground for civil disorders, social upheavals and violent activities. Myers asserts that there will have to be substantial allocation of outlays to meet the cost of the resulting pandemic diseases and situations arising from food, water and energy deficits. Such developments could further threaten national identities and social cohesion resulting in civil disorders and ethnic tensions (Myers and Kent, 1995).  

      However such arguments have been rejected by Black (2001), who considers such situations as creations of an apocalyptic vision and a result of neo Malthusian approaches that are based upon questionable assumptions. Moreover, such arguments construct migrants and refugees as being threats to security. Black (2001) has claimed that there is no evidence that can substantiate about environmental change leading directly to massive flow of refugees, especially those that flow into developed nations. He views the focus on environmental refugees as being a distraction from the core issues of conflict resolution and development.

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      The United Nations does not officially recognize the word environmental refugee and the term has been significantly contested amongst scholars. The lead amongst such critics is taken by Black (2001) who argues that there are no such people as environmental refugees. He felt that environmental issues played a role in forced migration but they are not always closely associated with economic and political factors. If the environmental factors are focused in seclusion, one does not get a clear perspective of the specific situations in which people have been displaced because it is known that people do not ...

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