Choose two criminological theories and critically assess their usefulness in enhancing our understanding of one of the following (a) youth crime (b) gender and crime or (c) race(TM) and crime.(TM)

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‘Choose two criminological theories and critically assess their usefulness in enhancing our understanding of one of the following (a) youth crime (b) gender and crime or (c) ‘race’ and crime.’

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Danielle Mc Fall

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a greater understanding of the topic Gender and Crime.   To gather this information the assignment will be investigating both Biological and Feminist theories in relation to Gender and Crime.    The biological theory will investigate the works of Lombroso, William Shedons and other genetic hypothesises, while the Feminist theory will focus on why the feminist theory was introduced, the differences between criminologists understanding of female criminal behaviour and the problems in studying gender in relation to crime.


An explanation for criminal behaviour has been studied since the early 17th century through the works of Beccaria and Betham in the famous Classical theory to the sociological theories of the present day.    In this assignment biological and feminist theories will be the main focus in relation to Gender and Crime.   Biological theorists and theories concentrate on the relationship between biology and crime.   One of the first theorists to develop this concept was an Italian prison psychiatrist called Cesare Lombroso.   His ideas where very much influenced by the work of Charles Darwin, ‘survival of the fittest’, the evolution theory.   This evolution theory is cited in the book, The Basics, Criminology by Sandra Walklate,

“Every organism re-visits the development of its own species within its own developmental history” Walklate (2005:9)

Lombroso study therefore is about how the human species goes through development stages before the final phase is reached, humanoid stage.   However sometimes there are exceptions from abnormalities and the final stage is not fully developed.   Darwin referred to this stage as ‘atavism’.   Therefore male and females commit crime, because they did not reach the final stage of their development.   This concept is one of the several key findings of biology and crime.   Another one of Lombroso’s theories came from working in the prison service where he found common features shared by many prisoners.   These included,

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“Sloping foreheads, receding chins, excessively long arms” Walklate (2005:9)

On the basis of these remarks he constructed four criminal types, the insane, the opportunist, the passionate and the born criminal.   He found out that all of them shared differently in their features, except for the born criminal, which represented the true atavistic type.   In other words Lombroso was using Darwin’s ideas in order to give a general explanation to criminal behaviour.    He believed that people where criminals because they had a drawback in their biological make-up.   Since these genetic differences are beyond the male ...

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