"Family Portrait" - Analysis.

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University of Cape Town

Faculty of Humanities


Full name:                Joanna Felicity Morton

Student Number:        MRTJOA003

Course name:        English Literary Studies

Course Code:        ELL113F

Tutorial Tutor:        Nadia Davids

Tutorial Group:        24

Due Date:                17 May 2002

1.        I know that plagiarism is wrong.  Plagiarism is to use another’s work and to pretend that it is one’s own.

2.        I have used the Author-date convention for citation and referencing.  Each significant contribution to, and quotation in, this essay from the work, or works, of other people has been acknowledged through citation and reference.

3.        This essay is my own work.

4.        I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work.

5.        I have done the word processing and formatting of this assignment myself.  I understand that the correct formatting is part of the mark for this assignment and that it is therefore wrong for another person to do it for me.

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“Family Portrait” - Analysis

In “Family Portrait” Kozain describes the situations of various characters in order to give the reader a view into the surroundings and atmosphere in which he lives.  The poem generates a powerful atmosphere, making use of paradoxical and often unpleasant imagery to carry its themes across with a certain power.  Each stanza is a single sentence, with no particular rhyme scheme, which adds to the uncomfortable atmosphere of the poem.

Focusing on the title, one can immediately see the basic subject of the poem.  It takes a similar format to a ...

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