How does culture impact on the expression of emotion?

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SO107 Essay 3, Rosalie Kelly, Class 2. Word Count: 1729

How does culture impact on the expression of emotion?

Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary” - Mark Twain.

        Mark Twain’s famous words quoted above suggest that human emotions are expressed involuntarily, and that their expression is a universally inherent part of human nature. Whilst some psychologists maintain this, others propose that culture produces variations in the ways in which emotions are expressed throughout the world and that the “involuntary” nature of emotion is subject to cultural influence. The definition given by, which states that emotion is “a mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort, and is often accompanied by physiological changes”, supports Twain’s theory that humans cannot choose whether or not to express a particular emotion. However, this is not to say that culture is unable to influence these involuntary actions. It is this concept wherein lies the quandary for many psychologists. Hereafter I aim to outline the evidence provided by psychological studies for the expression of emotion in terms of universality and cultural impact, and to ultimately determine how culture impacts on the ways in which emotions are expressed.

The universal nature of the expression of emotion

        The idea that humans throughout the world express their emotions in the same way has a biological basis. In his 1872 classic works, The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin put forward the idea that facial expressions of emotion are biologically innate and are a result of evolutionary adaptations. These adaptations arise to ensure the survival of the species, and Darwin supports this theory with examples, one of which is that of the expression of disgust or rejection stemming from an organism’s attempt to rid itself of something unpleasant (Darwin, 1872). Furthermore, Darwin stated that emotions are not only expressed universally in humans, but also across species, such as in gorillas (Matsumoto & Juang, 2004, pp. 227). In addition, expressions of emotion ensure the survival of the species by providing intra-psychic and social information to others about their wellbeing and their social and environmental relationships (Ibid, pp. 227). For example, a frightened look alerts others to the possible presence of danger and an angry look may allow an individual to anticipate an act of aggression (Atkinson et al., 1996, pp. 390).

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        More recently, psychologists have conducted studies that have provided evidence in support of the Darwinian theory that the expression of emotion is a universal phenomenon. The most notable series of studies by Ekman, Friesen and Tomkins (1972), now referred to as the “universality studies” (Matsumoto & Juang, 2004, pp. 227) involved asking participants from five countries (the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Japan) to view a series of photographs, each of which portrayed a different expression of emotion. When asked to label each emotion (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise), observers across all five countries gave similar responses, ...

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