How Should We Define Globalisation?

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How Should We Define Globalisation?

Whether they really understand it or not, most of people in the world today seem to talk about globalization. One can talk about a random subject yet it is often linked to globalization. What is globalization? Globalization is an idea whose time has come, yet it lacks precise definition.1 Being such a ubiquitous term, there is no inevitable and clear definition of globalization. It is classified in many definitions, such globalization as a necessary myth,2 globalization as an interconnected world, and globalization as a phenomenon of modern world. However, in this essay, I tend to refer the term of globalization as a set of processes.

There are debates surrounding the idea of globalization. These debates are based on different perspectives thus they have generated different school of thoughts of the globalists, the sceptics, and the transformationalists of which will also be discussed in this essay. Meanwhile, questions about globalization have also been raised. The first and foremost one is: "how should we define globalization?" There are many definitions classified about globalization, yet the certain term remains a challenged concept that can not be assumed easily.

This essay is another attempt to find the answer of how we should really define the trend of globalization. To find the most sensible and the simplest definition of it, the idea of globalization in general will be discussed. Globalization, known as the buzzword of the new millennium, covers a wide range of aspects. Thus, with the intention to obtain a lucid picture of it, I limit the subject by only talking about economic, politics, and cultural globalization. Impacts of economic activities in contemporary multi processes are many and cover other aspects in their reconfiguration. Yet, this essay does not discuss the impact of globalization as the main subject matter. It only discusses in order to get a better image of what globalization is in those three main aspects. Debates surrounding the idea of globalization are also acknowledged and discussed in this essay, particularly in each main aspect to create a better idea of globalization within it. The sceptics' and globalists' thesis are most emphasized considering the contrasting perspective between both, while the transformationalists' thesis is not ignored.

Scholte wrote that globalization is a distinctive and significant feature of recent world history.3 As a phenomenon, globalization covers an extensive range of aspects such as economic, politics, social and cultural. In an uncomplicated means, globalization refers to a shift or transformation in the scale of human organization that links distant communities and expands the reach of power relations across the world's regions and continents.4 Inclusively, David Held stated that globalization is fundamentally a spatial phenomenon; it lies on a spectrum with the local and national at one end and the (supranational) regional and global at the other... It is about the interconnections between different regions of the world - from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the environmental - and the ways in which they change over time."5 International flows of people, activity and interaction, goods, information and technology, communication, and cooperation indicate the process of globalization.

Globalization refers to a set of processes in life that happens naturally as life moves forward, which can not be denied nor be ignored, and as the world becomes more modern and more interconnected. The modern world often refers to the innovation of information and technology which has been greatly enriched thus it impacts to connecting people in the whole world, in many aspects. For example, the innovation of internet gives us many accesses to gain much information by using a search engine provided by web companies such as Google and Yahoo.

In short, globalization can be best understood as a process or set of process rather than a singular condition,6 since it does not happen in a blink of eyes nor does it happen in a certain area in certain short of time. There are multiple processes of globalization that such processes are unevenly developed over space and time, are complex and often resisted and, are simultaneously social, cultural, political, and economic. 7

Nonetheless, those processes are acknowledged diversely. People often hold radically different definitions of the term globalization.8 While the popularity of globalization attracts intellectuals, journalists, and political thinkers, perspectives generated are various, and somewhat opposed to each other. Most of them argue about how globalization should be best-conceptualized. The debate has raised different school of thoughts; they are classified as globalists, sceptics, and transformationalists.9

Sceptics are those who tend to refuse 'globalization' as an accurate idea in defining of those of multiple processes that has happened in today's world. They rather define it as 'internationalization'. They criticize this diagnosis as highly exaggerated and as 'a necessary myth.'10

Globalists are those who acknowledge those of multiple processes as, indeed, 'globalization'. They have also been described as the 'first wave', 'extreme', 'strong' or 'radical' thesis.11 They consider that contemporary globalization is a real and profoundly transformative process12 which will gradually expand further and eventually shape a more globalized world.
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Transformationalists consider those of multiple processes as globalization and it is a powerful transformative force which is responsible for a 'massive shake-out' of societies, economies, institutions of governance, and world order. 13 For them, globalization is emphasized as a long-term historical process of profound change, of which is experienced by states and societies as they try to adapt to a highly uncertain and more interconnected world.

Of all these theses, the globalists' and the sceptics' are the most contrasting to each other. Their perception on contemporary world has certainly influenced the meaning of the idea 'globalization'. ...

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