Is Anything About Human Sexuality Natural?

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Is Anything About Human Sexuality Natural?

In recent years, the changes in sexuality, gender and social circles have been remarkable. Two centuries ago, western women had no vote and were expected to be heterosexual, in order to meet a suitable mate, marry and then produce offspring. Men had more power, they had a say on what woman they wanted to pursue, a choice of profession and wealth. He had the power of the household and she had to obey.

In the last century, social holds on people loosened, and sexual freedom was to be had. Women got the vote, equal pay and both sexes got the most powerful weapon of all, the media’s approval of sex. It was no longer a dirty activity for married couples behind closed doors, it was written about, spoken about and shown more in films and Tv. This paved the way for people to express their sexual needs or orientation. Heterosexuality was first highly publicised, and then homosexuality in the Nineties, eventually leading to other sexual practices, being ‘natural’ in their own way. The word ‘person’ derives from the word ‘persona’ meaning [a mask, esp. as worn by actors]; hence [role, part, character, personality], Sexuality is an extension of this masking and the way in which we express ourselves, creating individuality through the choices we make is it then mans desire to differentiate himself from the masses.

Nature makes all living beings behave in such a way that would promote procreation for survival. Therefore would heterosexuality, the social and evolutionary norm, be natural to all?

Maslow and Human Needs

Abraham Maslow is known for establishing the theory of a hierarchy of needs, writing that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied. The need go up in five stages, Physiological and then rising up to safety, love, esteem, self-actualisation. Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain or discomfort. All theses symptoms are natural ways that our body communicates with the brain to alert it is not getting what it needs or there is something wrong.  These feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis. Once they are alleviated, we may think about other things. Maslow places sex at the most basic level of needs, stating that we strive to alleviate them as soon as possible. By implication this highlights that sexuality is at the very foreground of man’s survival, fulfilling his physiological and mental wellbeing in order to be health and fulfilled.

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This could then be interpreted that human instinct is to evolve. True, man will evolve at a quicker rate than the rest of the living world, but as a product of increased intelligence, and sociological leaps ahead. Instinct is a perfectly natural concept, instinct is biological, it is written within the DNA of our genes, many studies have been conducted on animals to support that instinct is something that you are born with (nature) rather than something you acquire through experience (nurture). To deviate from heterosexual intercourse by means to simply reproduce would be a natural step, certainly natural ...

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