Proposal of Development of Environmental Education in Hong Kong. Aim - develop a mechanism for enhancing Hong Kong government and NGOs cooperation in implementing Environmental education and public awareness activities.

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 Proposal of Development of Environmental Education in Hong Kong



1. Theme of the project

2. Introduction:

3. Objectives and Target Groups

4. Major activities of the project

5. Ecotourism in Hong Kong        

6. Planning for the project

7. In-house Staffing

8. Project Management

9. Expected External Funds

10. Project Budget

11. Evaluation of achievements


1. Theme of the project

To develop a mechanism for enhancing Hong Kong government and NGOs cooperation in implementing Environmental education and public awareness activities.

2. Introduction:

In recent years, problems such as inappropriate development, population growth, food production, natural resources and energy consumption issues, have been recognised as being intricate issues that are linked directly to environmental issues. Through the new concept of environmental education, it is clarified that all fields related to the establishment of ‘sustainable society’, are the target of environmental education activities and it is necessary for the purpose of tackling urgent environmental issues as well as taking a broad view.

 Environmental education is the transformation of knowledge, information and method of practice to a public citizens, enable then to modify their overall behaviour towards the realisation of a sustainable society by fostering their behavioral and opinion changes. The exact environmental education approach depends on the type of learners, their ability, the learning environment etc.

According to the research carried out by the Council for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong during 1998-2002, it is indicates that varieties of pioneering activities on Environmental protection are aimed to improve the environmental quality, and are saddled with a diverse range of educational problems including rigid curriculum, lack of trained manpower, lack of national policy, inadequate data and information. Although some projects initiated innovative educational programmes, they are usually mediocre and not making any significant impact on the society because they are small in scale, scattered and occurring in isolation. These efforts alone are not enough to foster the cause of environmental education in the region. It is, therefore, necessary to develop the mechanism of internal cooperation that promotes and fosters the forces, expeditious in the implementation of environmental education at the grassroots.

3. Objectives and Target Groups

The Environmental Education Project would not only undertake a “study,” but also “put its findings into practice.” Some of the common points concerned are to develop the process of transition to a sustainable future, producing qualified manpower, developing educational materials and so forth. Its implementation is indispensable in changing people’s knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards a sustainable future.

The proposes of activities are to:

・ Review the current issues, trends, problems and constraints of environmental education in Hong Kong

・ Foster Environmental Awareness of the public

・ Formulate a comprehensive strategy of environmental education for the region.

・ Converse people’s knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards a sustainable future

・ Develop sufficient environmental education materials

・ Implement human resource for sustainable management of the environment

・ Undertake a training programme for developing the capacity to deal with the environmental issues

・ Provide leadership in promoting and fostering citizen to work towards achieving a sustainable future.

・ Innovative a model for community-based Environmental Education

         The importance of these studies is becoming increasingly clear in improving the overall status of sustainable development. In partnership with regional organisations, and partners, the Project formulated a comprehensive strategy for Environmental Education. The Project will enable its partners and stakeholders to formulate activities on Environmental Education and build up the framework of Environmental Education for Hong Kong. The Project must put its findings and strategy into practice so that environmental awareness can be fostered in the region. That is the reason why the Project has given emphasis on the implementation of the strategy on the ground.

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4. Major activities of the project

The project will focus into researching for a strategy of raising the public awareness on Evironmental Education. With a view to facilitate the collaborators in the implementation of action agenda the project will developed two kinds of educational materials for raising awareness of secondary students and an entire community.

4.1 To develop appropriate educational materials for the sustainable management of the environment

Preliminary research works will conduct ...

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