Public Interest Groups :An Analytic Look at Effects on U.S. Public Policy and the General Public.

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I. Title:  Public Interest Groups :An Analytic Look at  Effects on U.S. Public Policy and the General Public

II. Introduction:  

Public interest groups are incredibly influential over many different aspects of the lives of everyday citizens.  Every time we step outside we experience, in someway or another, the effects of the benefits that have been reaped by these groups that try to best represent the public good in order to create a society where democratic ideals are legitimized through the participatory action of the everyday citizen such as is exemplified in these groups.  Public Interest Groups are able to gather and collect knowledge in a specific subject area to present to those in the Congress in order to help perpetuate the proposing, creating, and eventually establishing and implementing these policies to help create a “better” society; one in which the bourgeoisie corporate owners in this capitalist U.S. society is less at an advantage to create policies that harm civil life.  The media helps to establish issues as the ones that need most attention, and are able to educate the public through various modes such as news articles, television programs, rallies, etc. in order to press issues that will most effect the way the public lives their lives.  The analytical standpoint that this paper takes explains and observes how public interest groups are overwhelmingly relevant to the media as well as to the lives of everyday citizens.

III. Research Questions and Research Method:

 When looking at public interest group, one tends to wonder about the aspects of what participating in an interest group entails, and how an interest group goes about setting and making goals.  There are some major questions that an outsider may yearn to ask when looking into the subjects of interest groups.  These questions are referred to as research questions in this paper and can be worded as follows:

Research Questions:

What are the specific methods that interest groups use in order to effect public policy?  

What do interest groups usually seek to achieve through this method, and  how often are the goals they venture out to achieve actually attained?  How long, by the standards of a general temporal notion, does it take to effect public policy in general?  How do the effects that an interest group has on policy effect  the normal everyday citizen?

Analytical Method:

 The above stated research questions can be answered through delving into the matter of public policy from an analytic perspective.  Through reading, analyzing, and scrutinizing material of other researchers, this paper is able to answer these questions in a blatant and detailed manner in order to unify several methods for this paper. Essentially all the research stems from literature reviews which are based off the four books, The Semisovreign People, The Interest Group Society, Dollars and Votes, and ____, along with the Rutgers Library Database, IRIS  (all of which are later cited in the bibliography). The books, themselves, were originally assigned as supplemental reading materials along with the lectures by Bert Levine in The Rutgers University 300-Level “Interest Groups ” Class.  As many of the insights of this paper are being worked into accordance with notes taken during the lectures in this class from Professor Bert Levine, who also co-wrote one of his the books used in this paper, there is an undoubtedly eminent interview-like tone that rings true throughout the course of the paper.

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Content Analysis

From the information derived from these books, and the lectures in which were given by the very well-educated Professor Levine on his specific insights upon the topic of Interest Groups, we are able to easily compare and contrast materials within this paper to get  a well-rounded view of interest groups after content analysis has gotten underway.  After Theories and Conceptsreading the materials cited in this paper, it was easy to make some connections and to highlight theories and concepts that pertain to the nature of the research questions this paper seeks to answer; and are moreover ...

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