Rape myths? Discuss the contention that rape is not about sex but rather about violence.Criminal Code Act 1995, SECT 268.14 Crimes against Humanity.

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What are rape myths? Discuss the contention that rape is not about sex but rather about violence.

Criminal Code Act 1995, SECT 268.14 Crimes against Humanity.


“a) the perpetrator sexually penetrates another person without consent of that person and,

 b) The perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the lack of consent and,

c) The perpetrators conduct is committed intentionally or knowingly as part of a widespread systematic attack directed against a civilian population.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.


Rape has primarily been classed as a sexual offence. Feminist theorists believe this mythology was developed by a patriarchal society of leading men who justified their actions by blaming the victims. The most common rape myths circulating society entail blaming female victims, women enjoy it, women say no but mean yes, and women provoke rape by dressing or behaving provocatively and women are liars. Koss in 1994 argued that rape myths can be categorised under three main themes, these being, “victim masochism, victim precipitation and victim fabrication.”  Feminists have argued that the frequency of these myths in society, including in police forces, courts and the media, this could be the main reason as to why women are not reporting rapes and sexual assaults. Rape is rarely committed for sexual purposes. Rape is about power and domination. A rape myth as described by Burt in 1980, who also developed the rape myth acceptance scale (RMA), is that myths are, “prejudicial, stereotyped or false beliefs about rape, rape victims and rapists”. (Burt, 1980) Lonsway and Fitzgerald defined rape myths as, “attitudes and beliefs that are generally false but are widely and persistently held, and that serve to deny and justify male sexual aggression against women.” (1994). this latter description amplifies what feminists have argued.

The first myth that will be analysed is victim masochism, which is the belief that the victim either enjoyed or wanted to be attacked. “Rape is a humiliating and often violent experience for women. It is a terrifying demonstration of the lack of control we have over our bodies and our lives. Rape has nothing to do with women's sexual pleasure” (). Rape has devastating effects on victims that can last their entire life. Mental, emotional and sometimes physical damage scars the victim for a long time. As 4 out of 5 rapes is committed by someone known to the victim, this also can have lasting effects, that may be felt by more then just the victim.  This can go on to have effects onto both the victims family and friends and the offenders loved ones also. This myth cane also impact on the victim’s confidence in reporting the attack. Many times victims will blame themselves, "I went really numb after [my rape] and just blamed myself for what happened," admits J. "I thought it was my entire fault because I’d gone for the ride voluntarily and that was it. If the attack had been by a stranger on the street, I doubt I’d have felt so responsible." (Corduff.1999). this statement by a rape victim, shows the damage this particular myth is creating. Susan Brownmiller noted that there is a male rational behind rape myths, she stated,

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“Because rape is an act that men do in the name of masculinity, it is in their interest to believe that women also want rape done, in the name of femininity. In the dichotomy that they have established, one does and one is “done to”. This belief is more than an arrogant insensitivity; it is a belief in the supreme rightness of male power.” (Brownmiller. 1976)

The next myth is victim precipitation, which is the myth that the victim asked for it or deserved it.  This is once again a statement that is barely believable. Whilst there is ...

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