Recently, senior managers in many organisations have tried to change the cultures of their organisations. Explain what are they trying to do, and why they are trying to do it. Assess the chances of their success.

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B200                                                         TMA05                                  Id ; U0184571

Student : Francesco Paolini

Tutor : John B. Reid

Course : B200  01K

Date : 24th July 2002

Recently, senior managers in many organisations have tried to change the cultures of their organisations.

Explain what are they trying to do, and why they are trying to do it.    Assess the chances of their success.



This essay will be divided into three parts ; the first part will explain the initial statement, giving some background information and addressing the question of what are senior managers trying to do when they attempt to change their organisational culture and how significant these changes in culture are in the modern corporate world.   The second part will explain why managers are trying to do all that with some examples of big global corporations, also using the mainstream and the critical approaches to organisational theory.   The third and final part will attempt to assess the chances of senior management’s success in changing the culture of their companies ; how easy is it to change eradicated sets of corporate beliefs, ways of working, processes, values, etc.?  



Recently, senior managers in many companies are attempting to introduce changes in their organisation’s culture ; from their point of view they are trying to achieve few things.  One important objective to be achieved is to instil values that can be shared company wide ; from the management to the shop floor.  This is usually done by setting up corporate goals, values, principles that can inspire employees to a sense of belonging to the organisation, a collective identity.  Many successful companies use this approach, as its believed to, in the end, deliver what the senior managers really want to achieve, which is profit maximisation and growth.  

Organisational culture has been analysed at many levels, beginning in the 1970s in the USA.   There, to get through a deep economic recession, American management theorists begun analysing the emerging Japanese companies and their totally different and successful approach to management.  Then looking at  successful American organisations with the influential work of Peters and Waterman in the 1980s with the important text “In Search Of Excellence”.  The important notion of “excellent Companies” comes from Peters and Waterman’s work on organisational culture.    At academic level, the Business interest shifted from individual management techniques to the study of the organisation as entities with all the sociological implications.  The concept of organisational culture, used interchangeably with the term corporate culture, define a set of goals, values, beliefs that are built within a company over time.  Organisational Theory is very much connected with other fields of the Social Sciences.  The likes of Sociology, Politics, Economics and so on.  Some important figures of the social sciences like Max Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim have greatly contributed, directly or indirectly, to the organisational theories.    Some very representative example of organisational culture are global companies like McDonalds, Hewlett-Packard, IBM.   In each one of  these three companies the corporate culture is very developed.   For example at Hewlett-Packard its called the “HP Way”, a set of beliefs, objectives and guiding principles.  Some of the HP Way values are ; communication at all levels of the hierarchy, informality, openness, teamwork, customer care, trust, autonomy, quality, etc.   Hewlett-Packard’s values are shared by most employees, and the HP way its visible within the company at all levels ; the offices layout at every HP branch is done to reflect those values, to facilitate ad hoc meetings and brainstorming sessions.   Managers at HP use a curious technique to manage their departments or sections, they call it MBWA, that is managing by walking around, and embodies some of the values of the HP Way ; those of trust, autonomy, confidence and so on.

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There are many reasons why senior managers want to introduce culture changes programmes in their companies ; the final objective lays with the company success, to make their companies successful, but this is a too general statement and needs to be expanded : by introducing culture changes, some senior managers are employing some of the notions of organisational theory.   They want the workforce to share their objectives and goals in the belief that an happy and committed workforce will deliver a better performance.   In many companies now, amongst ...

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