Research Methodology.

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Research  Methodology

This part deals with conducting a primary research and its methodology. We would be conducting a survey aimed at young consumers aged 18-25 yrs. The sample size used for the purpose of this study would be 100-150 consumers.

The two main questions that we want to answer by conducting this survey are:

  • How are consumers affected by the branding of the soft drink Products?

  • What makes young customers choose between Pepsi and Coca Cola while making a purchase decision.

There are two types of research which are used in Marketing - Quantitative and Qualitative. We shall look at both of them before choosing the most appropriate method for our research.

Let us first have a look at qualitative research and its tools:

  • Qualitative Market Research

Qualitative research is about understanding people. It's used to identify and interpret consumer attitudes and behavior by focusing on the "typical" person or "typical" group. It tells us how people think, what people think about, how they evaluate or decide and why. What motivates, drives and pleases them.

Qualitative research allows us to get inside people's experience, perceptions, attitudes and values, to identify and understand what they see -- how they will react when they see it -- and what enables them to react. In our case we will try and ascertain the stimuli behind them going in to buy either Pepsi or Coca cola. What do they feel after consuming a drink and what makes having one drink better than the other ( other than the taste) . The understanding of this emotion is vital for our study and thus the method that we follow shall be qualitative as well as quantitative.

Qualitative research techniques provide a completely different form of knowledge:

  • A form of knowledge not possible using quantitative techniques.
  • An understanding of emotional, non-rational processes involved in a topic.

The techniques of qualitative research evolved to give researchers "real" answers, those that attempted to establish the thinking (rather than the behavior) of the community. Such techniques rely on sensitive, interactive learning, an approach beyond the scope of the tightly structured, rational instruments of quantitative research. Qualitative research has to deal with complex, emotional and non-rational data. This is the core reason why we are including a researcher in our interaction with the respondents. According to this report, 90% of the communication is visual and non verbal , this would be recorded and analyzed by our researchers.

However, qualitative research has its hazards. First, the researcher is really part of the data (just as a medical practitioner's knowledge, experience and insights are linked to the data he is trying to process in making a diagnosis). Decisions about undertaking qualitative research are therefore primarily decisions about the choice of researcher. You are buying experience, sensitivity, insight and interpretative skill rather than a mechanical technique.This is why we have to be very careful in choosing our researchers as they need to be completely non biased and shall note only in the way the respondents react .

Second, because this is a diagnostic, labour-intensive approach to research, large scale samples are often impracticable (and are, in any case, largely irrelevant, since qualitative research is not bound by the principles of statistical sampling which apply only to quantitative survey research).  This is why we have kept our sample size small and restricted the sample to 150 . This would let us use the qualitative aspect more accurately.


Qualitative research techniques should be used to provide an understanding of the emotional framework surrounding a topic.

  • a basic orientation into a new category (to understand and stimulate ideas)
  • to orient a new business or marketing team
  • to explore early customer reaction (to a new product or advertising idea)
  • to help explain problems revealed in previous research/sales results (develop hypothesis)
  • an input to a large quantitative study: what to ask/measure
  • to understand brand IMG, non-rational responses (advertising strategy development)
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in our case, our primary objective for performing the qualitative research would be understanding the non rational responses. Which drink emotionally appeals the consumers the most, is the million dollar question for us.

Qualitative market research techniques include:

  • Group Discussions
  • Personal in-depth Interviews.
  • Expert Opinion Techniques 

In our case, we would be using a modified form of personal interview, because there would be a researcher, but he/she would be merely assisting the respondents in answering the questions and would be observing the non verbal communications.

Quantitative Research Includes:

Quantitative Market ...

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