Social policy. Making use of welfare ideologies critically evaluate developments in social policy since the Second World War with reference to education.

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Social Policy and Education 1940 - 2008

For this assignment I will be writing about making use of welfare ideologies critically evaluate developments in social policy since the Second World War with reference to education.

The term social policy relates to guidelines for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare. Therefore social policy is a part of public policy that has to do with social issues such as public access to social programs. Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs for education, health, housing and social security. In an academic environment, social policy refers to the study of the welfare state and the range of responses to social need.

Reference: - web site viewed on 25 / 2 / 2010

Book read: Alcock, C. Payne, S. and M. Sullivan, (2004), 'Introducing Social Policy,' Pearson Education Limited, Essex

Social democracy this is a phrase used to describe the broad band of thinking which first developed the idea of the welfare state and provided it with a theoretical basis. There are a number of approaches within it, but generally social democracy agrees that the duty of a state is to provide for the health and care of its citizens.

Reference: - web page viewed on 25/2/2010.

Book read: J. Baldck, N. Manning, S. Miller, S. Vickerstaff (1999) 'social Policy), Oxford

However Social democracy strongly rejects the new right approach 1970 - 80's because it has been tremendously important in criticising welfare state. It has left a legacy of private companies working within the welfare state this was an unthinkable idea, in the 1940's when the welfare state was first created. Most increasingly, it's influenced remains today on the current policies having an impact thirty years later.

Reference: - web page viewed on 25/2/2010

Books read: - J. Baldck, N. Manning, S. Miller, S. Vickerstaff (1999) 'social Policy), Oxford

M. Lavalette, A. Pratt (2006) social policy theories concept and issues third addition, sage publication

Third way (new Labour) this is an approach which new labour underpins its policies. Many people have found the third way to be rather confused mixture of new rights thinking mixed with bits of many of the other theories.

Reference: - webpage viewed on 25/2/2010

Book read: - J. Baldck, N. Manning, S. Miller, S. Vickerstaff (1999) 'social Policy), Oxford

M. Lavalette, A. Pratt (2006) social policy theories concept and issues third addition, sage publication

I am also aware that there are other ideologies like Marxists (the radical socialist) approach, and feminists approach, Marxist this approach develops from karl marx and although much changed and developed, it retains its basic arguments and the societies such as the uk operate to the benefit of the rich and powerful and harm the majority of the population. Marxist approach has also mixed feelings towards the welfare states, but generally it is critically arguing that instead it simply operates to mask these differences in power of wealth.

Reference: - webpage viewed on 26/2/2010

Book read: M. Lavalette, A. Prat (1997)social policy a conceptual and theoretical introduction, sage publications

M. Lavalette, A. Pratt (2006) social policy theories concept and issues third addition, sage publication

The feminist approach has been extreamly influential approaches that can be claimed to have changed the ways in which men and women act. Feminist approach argues that we live in a society which has for centuries operated to the benefit of men and harm of women, because many members of the ethnic minorities are providers of health and welfare services and clients too, any insight have huge potential change.

Reference: - webpage viewed on 26/2/2010

Book read: M. Lavalette, A. Prat (1997)social policy a conceptual and theoretical introduction, sage publications
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M. Lavalette, A. Pratt (2006) social policy theories concept and issues third addition, sage publication

However the purpose of this discussion will be focused on the three main ideologies these are social democracy, new right and third way.

There different types of models of education these are humanism, encyclopaedism, vocationism, and naturalism.

Humanism is moral and individualistic.

Encyclopedism Education is seen as based in a body of knowledge which people share. The approach is rationalist and based in the utility of education.

Vocationalism this is linked to the needs of the ...

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