Teenage sex - You should or you shouldn't?

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Teenage sex:You should or you shouldn't? Teenage sex has always been controversial. No one denies the moral dilemma that is involved with teens engaging in sexual activity; however, if we were to turn our backs on it now, the problem would only escalate. The statistics involving teenage sex are staggering. Sex is increasing at younger ages. In 1993, as many as ten billion teenagers engaged in at least 125 million acts of sexual intercourse. Ten percent of all fifteen-nineteen year old females become pregnant each year.                 In today's society, teenage girls get sexually involved. Before the age of twenty, teens have sex. More than half teenagers are virgins until they are at least seventeen years of age. By the twenties is the time teens reach their twenty percent of boys and twenty-four percent of girls that have not had a sexual intercourse. Only 6.9 percent of men and twenty-one percent of women aged eighteen to fifty-nine had their first intercourse on their wedding night. Many teenagers begin having intercourse in their mid-to-late teens, about eight years before they marry. Among sexually active fifteen to seventeen years old women, fifty-five percent have had two or more partners and thirteen percent have at least six partners. Seven in ten women who had sex before age fourteen and six in ten of those who had sex before age fifteen reported having had sex involuntarily. Every ten seconds, a teenager becomes sexually active for the first time.        If two people have unprotected sex long enough, they have an extremely high percentage of becoming pregnant (Brain, 1). Ten percent of all fifteen-nineteen year old females become pregnant each year. Pregnancies tend to be unprepared. More than eighty percent of girls under age of seventeen who give birth and keep their babies end up on welfare, which costs the society twenty-one billion dollars a year. Every thirty seconds, a baby is born into poverty. Every twenty-six seconds, a baby is born to an unmarried mother. One million pregnancies resulting in over 400,000 abortions, 130,000 miscarriages, and nearly half a million live births. Every year, more than a million teenage girls, an average of more than three thousand a day, become pregnant; of these, sixty five to seventy percent are not married. By comparison, only about fifteen percent of adolescent women who become pregnant in 1960 were not wed. There are wanted and unwanted pregnancies. Today, between seven and ten percent of pregnant teens have miscarriages that terminate their pregnancies, about forty to forty-five percent terminate their pregnancies by having abortions, and about fifty percent go full term and have their babies (Nardo, 23). Childbearing is one of the results of teenage sex. Seventy-eight percent of births to teens occur outside of marriage. One-fourth of teenage mothers have a second child within two years of their first child. Seventy-eight percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned. Contraceptive method vary most frequently used contraceptive at forty-four percent is the pill, thirty-eight percent use condoms, and about ten percent on injectable, four percent on
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withdrawal and three percent initialize on implant (Teen Sex & Pregnancy, 2). There are numerous amounts of people who get pregnant during teenage years and they do not succeed, they end up living on welfare. Is welfare the only solution for young teenage mothers and their children?        Another serious down side to having sex is the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted disease (STD). Again, statistics are stunning: more than three million teenagers contracted STDs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia (Nardo, 13). Forty-three percent of sexually active college women get HIV infection within a three-year period. Three million new cases of ...

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