The Idea that organizational culture can be managed is preposterous. Discuss.

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The Idea that organizational culture can be managed is preposterous. Discuss.

The debate over the possibility of a successful management of organizational culture is not new (Ogbonna and Harris, 1998). The competing arguments generally differ on the grounds of the level of culture in question. As I will show in the following discussion, the critical point in the debate is the question of what exactly constitutes culture. It is this key, definitive element that divides researchers and thus, debaters on this subject.

My examination of this subject will begin with a brief definition and description of organizational culture (hereafter OC); then, the components of organizational culture will be highlighted. After a brief discussion of the meaning of organizational culture management (hereafter OCM), the competing perspectives are presented and discussed, case studies and empirical work presented and compared, and finally the question of how preposterous the management of organizational culture is, is addressed.

Numerous opinions on what culture is exist (Harris and Metallinos, 2002). Denison (1990:2) views OC as the underlying values, beliefs and principles that serve as a foundation for an organization’s management system as well as the set of management practices and behaviours that both exemplify and reinforce those basic principles. Pettigrew (1979) views it as a combination of beliefs and ideologies, and for Deal and Kennedy (1982); it is the way we do things around here.

It is generally assumed by OC researchers that there are three levels of organizational culture analysis: observable culture (or what Schein, 2004 describes as artefacts), shared values and beliefs, and common assumptions. (Schermerhorn, et al 1994; Schein, 2004; Ogbonna, 1993). This classification is important as we shall see later; our classification determines our interpretation of the results of culture change efforts.

OCM researchers do not share a consensus about the signification of culture management. The more common interpretation of culture management is to equate if with culture change. Seihl (1985:139) views culture management as management’s attempt at articulating a possible culture, coming to agree that it is desirable and then attaining it through the sharing of desired values. Perhaps most illuminating is Ogbonna’s caveat that managing culture is not synonymous with changing it, and may include “creating it, changing it, maintaining it and abandoning it. (Ogbonna 1993:8)

The competing views in the debate have been variously classified. Martin (1985) identifies the ‘purists’ and the ‘pragmatics’; Legge (1995) recognizes ‘protagonists’ and ‘detractors’; and Ogbonna and Harris (2002) adopted the classification of ‘optimists’, ‘pessimists’ and ‘realists.’ In this essay, I will be adopting the latter labels as I consider them more apt to capture all the sides of the argument.

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The main theses of the three perspectives are that the optimists believe that OC can be managed; the pessimists insist that OC cannot be consciously managed and the realists opine that OC may be manipulated in certain circumstances (Ogbonna and Harris, 2002).

The optimists adopt a functionalist view of culture, and this was popularized by management writers in the 80’s and 90’s as a means of directly improving organizational performance. (Deal and Kennedy, 1982; Peters and Waterman, 1982).The optimists view OC as a variable and, by extension, believe that it is within the whims of mangers to direct ...

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