The purpose of this study is to discover differences that may exist between demographic groups in peoples' attitudes toward free speech in terms of flag burning.

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The purpose of this study is to discover differences that may exist between demographic groups in peoples’ attitudes toward free speech in terms of flag burning. This study is important due to the fact that in a democratic nation it is vital to discover why people believe the way they do. A survey was disseminated, and statistical analysis was conducted on the questionnaires in search of significant differences among various demographic groups. Two significant differences were found: one was within the demographic variable of military connection for one of the survey questions, and the other was found within the demographic variable of religious differences for the fourth research question. The significance of these findings, broadly stated, seems to be that religious subcultures have influence on the attitudes of their members, and that being connected to the military limits a person’s willingness to be interested in the motivations of a flag burner.

Limiting freedom of speech:

How far should we go to protect the First Amendment?

The Constitution of the United States of America:

First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Literature Review

Freedom, in the United States, is not absolute (Weinstein, 1997). We are not free to murder, rape and pillage; we are not free to steal our neighbor's mule. This abridging of freedom is usually not contested. Highly debated, however, are the gray areas wherein the people cannot seem to arrive at a generally unanimous belief, especially in the area of free speech. Although the United States Constitution seems to explicitly state that speech should be completely free, it is generally accepted interpretation to believe that it is not feasible to have complete freedom of speech (Blakney, 1998; Maring, 1998).

As a society, we seem to be in a state of perpetual disagreement when it comes to deciding how much individuality we want versus how much censorship we believe is necessary to protect the society (Weiss, 1999). The purpose of this study is to discover if demographic variances exist that could affect our opinions on this matter so as to gain a better insight into how people arrive at conclusions. In a nation run “by the people,” it is important to attempt to understand how people differ in their beliefs and values. The next section briefly explores definitions associated with freedom of speech, examines elements of the social contract that limit free speech, and reviews studies conducted on pornography before justifying this study performed on flag burning.

Regarding free speech, it is necessary briefly to examine the denotative meaning of the phrase in order to preempt confusion related to various connotations floating around. The first word in the phrase - "free" - means unrestrained, uncensored or uninhibited (Weinstein, 1997). It is important to note that "speech" is expression of thoughts, ideas, beliefs or feelings that can take many forms, including media, person-to-person conversation, public speaking, writing, music, photography and other art forms, as well as actions (Birsch, 1997; Weinstein, 1997). All of these forms of free speech are not absolutely free due to elements of the social contract at work in our society.

John Locke, David Hume, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the proponents of the idea of a "social contract," or an agreement between the people and their government, believe that it is natural and necessary for people to limit their liberties in exchange for the advantages of living within a society. According to the idea, human beings begin as individuals in a state of nature, and create a society by establishing a contract whereby they agree to live together in harmony for their mutual benefit, after which they are said to live in a state of society. This contract involves the retaining of certain natural rights, an acceptance of restrictions of certain liberties, the assumption of certain duties, and the pooling of certain powers to be exercised collectively (Roland, 1994).

Although the theory has those who argue against it, the idea of a social contract is generally accepted in the United States. We have agreed to limit many liberties in exchange, for example, safety. In terms of free speech, we have limitations, for instance, that protect our safety - it is unlawful to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre - and that protect our children - depiction of a child in a sexually explicit manner is unlawful (Pollitt, 1999). Some artists have held that computer-generated, or artistic representations of child pornography should not be prohibited (Ninth Circuit, 2000), but these extreme areas are generally not argued. However, as stated earlier, there are gray areas, or fine lines, that deserve scrutiny as to the proper course of action so as to prevent our society's government from becoming like the one depicted in George Orwell's 1984 - a government that places video cameras everywhere in an attempt to control every aspect of an individual's autonomy. It is dangerous, therefore, to limit free speech too arbitrarily or carelessly (Larson, 1997; Wallace, 1999).

Indeed, it deserves our attention to discover how the majority of people will decide the future of free speech. One way this can be done is to examine potential differences among people in terms of their opinions on how far free speech should be limited in the gray areas. Two gray areas that are perhaps the most controversial are pornography and flag burning.

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Pornography has received much attention already. The main topics of interest in this area are: definitions of pornography and obscenity, demographic attributes affecting community or personal standards, attitudes regarding the unique issue of Internet pornography, the impact violence in pornography has on society, the feminist perspective to pornography, and individuality and privacy issues.

This country has had a difficult task attempting to arrive at a consensus regarding the definitions of pornography and obscenity, which have more unique connotations than the number of letters that make up the words (Jackson, 1997). Some are passive, simply posing the question of whether or ...

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