Transforming Cultural Practices: Illustrations from Children's Game Play

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Transforming Cultural Practices: Illustrations from Children’s Game Play


Analyses of children’s participation in cultural practices typically focus on the ways in which dimensions of activities shape the nature of children’s participation and learning. In contrast, our concern in this paper is to understand how children, in their participation, transform cultural practices. We use Saxe’s (1991) Emergent Goals Framework to illustrate how the mathematical problems that emerge in children’s play of Monopoly are interwoven with children’s developing competencies and social interactions.



Transforming Cultural Practices: Illustrations from Children’s Game Play

As researchers increasingly incorporate sociocultural context into analyses of children’s learning and development, they are faced with the challenge of devising methods for describing the interplay between actors and the social and cultural settings they inhabit. In general, relations between children and their environments tend to be conceived of in one-way terms: the focus has been on how the social world influences the behavior of individuals. John-Steiner and Mahn (1996) point out that this unidirectional model distorts sociocultural theory and reduces it to a social transmission model. Engeström (1993:65-66) notes that, although it is tempting to conceive of contexts "as containers of behavior, untouched in themselves by human actions," contexts emerge and are shaped by individuals acting in specific settings. As people take part in cultural practices over time, a single task often evolves in particular ways and has different meanings for distinct groups of participants (Holland and Reeves 1994; Nicolopoulou and Cole 1993). According to Minick (1987:47), Vygotsky

argued that the fundamental inadequacy of most attempts to study the influence of the environment on the child’s development is the practice of describing the environment in terms of "absolute indices." That is, the problem lies in conceptualizing the environment as it exists in isolation from the child rather than studying it in terms of "what it means for the child," in terms of "the child’s relationship to the various aspects of this environment." (quotes from Vygotsky 1984:318)

In order to understand learning and development in context, we need ways of studying how activities are interpreted, transformed, and enacted by participants, and the implications of these processes for learning. In this paper, we use analyses of children engaged in a common cultural activity—playing a board game—to illustrate one promising approach to the study of children’s learning as they participate in and contribute to everyday activities. Our focus in this paper is on mathematical environments: the types of mathematical problems and solutions that children are engaged in as they participate in collaborative endeavors.

The acquisition of mathematical understanding is a rich domain for examining relations between child development and culture. Increasingly, mathematical problem solving is viewed as a cultural practice "in which people become more proficient as they learn and understand particular ways of representing numbers and quantity and operating on them" (Carraher 1989:320). From this perspective, cultural practices—including mathematical problem solving—both reflect the historical achievements of social groups and are contexts that promote children’s acquisition of culturally-valued knowledge and behavior (Goodnow et al. 1995). Yet, despite consistent evidence that children acquire mathematical understanding and skill through participation in a variety of cultural practices—including commercial activities (Posner 1982; Saxe 1991), parent-child interactions (Saxe et al. 1987), and game play (Ainley 1991)—there have been few analyses that examine how mathematical activities are enacted and shaped by the actors who participate in them. In order to understand how participation in cultural practices may facilitate learning, we need to understand the many forms that participation may take. Such investigations are especially warranted if recommendations to base classroom instruction on everyday cultural practices—including the use of games to teach mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1991)—are to be implemented effectively.

Miller and Goodnow (1995:6) note that "cultural practices are not neutral; they come packaged with values about what is natural, mature, morally right, or aesthetically pleasing." At the same time, though, practices are transformed as they become inhabited by actors. We use the term transformation to describe the process by which cultural practices and activities--with their social and cultural norms and expectations—are altered by actors in ways that yield new or emergent properties. In children’s game play, transformations may be minor, such as altering a rule about the order of turn-taking, or may have a major impact on the nature of the activity, as when players decide to participate cooperatively rather than competitively. The outcome of transformations may take many forms, including the mathematical work that gets accomplished in game play.

Activities are often transformed when a more knowledgeable participant provides assistance—such as scaffolding (Wood et al. 1976) or completing key components or subtasks (Greenfield and Lave 1982)—so that less knowledgeable partners are able to participate with greater success than would be possible alone. Transformations of this type, which are well-documented in recent writings (Guberman 1996; Rogoff 1990; Saxe et al. 1987), are central to accounts of learning in the zone of proximal development (Rogoff and Wertsch 1984; Vygotsky 1978). These analyses have focused primarily on activities in which an uneven distribution of expertise leads one person (e.g., an adult) to transform a task in order to assist someone with less competence (e.g., a child). In contrast, we know little about how activities are enacted and transformed by groups in which expertise is more evenly distributed, such as peer groups. As Piaget (1965) noted in his discussion of children playing marbles, peer groups provide greater opportunities than do adult-child interactions for children to negotiate and jointly construct the character of their activities.

In addition to transformations that come about as a result of assistance, participants often transform activities unintentionally. For instance, in a study of college students, Holland and Reeves (1994) found that computer programming teams from a single class differed in their motives for engaging in an assigned project and, as a result, varied in their accomplishments. Forman and Larreamendy-Joerns (1995) found comparable results among fourth and seventh grade children working collaboratively on a projection of shadows tasks. Similar to Engeström and Vygotsky, Forman and Larreamendy-Joerns (1995:550) concluded that "the context of a collaborative learning situation is not static but is constantly being recreated by the participants in the group."

A similar concern with understanding how children’s activities are transformed in practice is evident in recent analyses of children’s game play. According to Goodwin (1995:262), "a major problem of research on games has been that much research has concentrated on the forms of games...rather than the interaction through which a game is accomplished in situ" (emphasis in the original). She, and others who research games (e.g., Fine 1986; Goldstein 1971; Hughes 1991), emphasize that studying children’s gaming requires an analysis of how games are interpreted and transformed in play. The focus of such analyses should be on how participants "actively collaborate in constructing the game of the moment" (Goodwin 1995:262). Similar concerns have been raised in education: The task children solve may be very different from the task intended by the teacher (Meloth 1991).

The variety of ways that activities may be transformed has yielded disparate approaches to the study of learning in collaborative activity. As Hoyles and Forman (1995:481) point out, the emergent nature of context in peer interactions alerts us to "the need for a new paradigm of research," a systematic approach to understanding how activities are constituted and reconstituted through children’s participation—that is, an analysis of emergent environments—and how activity transformations are interwoven with children’s abilities and opportunities for learning. In this paper, we use Saxe’s (1991) Emergent Goals Framework to examine the constitution and transformation of mathematical environments in children’s play of a popular board game, Monopoly. Similar to other researchers who have studied children’s games (e.g., Avedon and Sutton-Smith 1971; Greenfield 1994; Piaget 1965; Trevarthan and Grant 1980), we view games as cultural practices that both reflect the values and achievements of culture and provide opportunities for children to practice and acquire culturally-valued attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge. We agree with Hughes’ (1991:287) statement that children’s games are more than a listing of their rules; rather, "they are richly textured and highly situated instances of social life." As such, we believe the approach illustrated here is applicable to a wide range of children’s activities.

Conceptual Framework

Our analysis is guided by a model developed by Saxe (1991) for understanding children’s mathematics learning in cultural practices. Saxe’s Emergent Goals Framework is well suited for studying how a given or intended structure of an activity is transformed in practice. The guiding tenet of Saxe’s model is that cognitive achievements are the outcome of children’s attempts to make sense of and accomplish the mathematical problems they encounter in routine cultural practices. Four parameters are key to understanding how problems take form in practice: the activity structure of the tasks comprising the practice, the prior knowledge children bring to the practice, the artifacts and conventions used in the practice, and the social interactions participants have with each other while engaged in the practice. In this paper, we use these parameters to understand how one activity, playing Monopoly, is constituted and transformed in children’s participation. Our focus is on the different mathematical environments that emerge in the play of peer groups.

As an example of how the four parameters provide a framework for understanding the nature of the mathematics that emerges in play, consider a common aspect of many board games, one that entails quite simple mathematics: moving one’s token from one space to another. In the standard version of Monopoly, the activity structure specifies that players take turns rolling two dice and then moving their token a number of spaces equal to the sum of the dice, giving way to mathematical problems of numerical representation, enumeration, and addition. The dice, an artifact of the game, engages players in particular mathematical problems, such as adding values through six plus six and counting to twelve. In contrast, in Monopoly Junior, a version of the game designed for children from 5- to 8-years of age, players use only a single die, which simplifies the mathematics of the game: no addition is needed to determine how far to move one’s token, and players never need to count more than six spaces as they move their token around the game board. Similarly, children’s prior knowledge influences the mathematical problems that emerge in play. For instance, in the standard version, a child may roll a five and a six on the dice. The child then may sum the values of the dice and move her piece eleven spaces; in contrast, a child with less mathematical competence may move her piece first the value of one die (six spaces) and then the value of the other die (five more spaces), not bothering to sum the die values. Finally, another participant may interrupt the player’s count and tell her to move eleven spaces, perhaps leading the player to recognize mental addition as a new strategy--an example of how social interaction may lead children to new ways of engaging in mathematical problem solving.

In the analyses presented here, we provide evidence of transformations by comparing the types and complexity of mathematical problems and solutions that emerged in play across groups of children who were selected to highlight particular parameters of the Emergent Goals Framework. According to the Emergent Goals Framework, we expected that differences in the artifacts, conventions, and task structures of an activity would lead players to construct distinct mathematical problems and solutions. Therefore, we compared two groups of 8-year-old girls engaged in two versions of Monopoly that differ in their artifacts, conventions, and task structures: One group played Monopoly Junior and one group played the standard version. Also based on the Emergent Goals Framework, we expected that participants’ prior knowledge would influence the mathematics that emerged in play. Using age as an index of mathematical knowledge, we expected that children of different ages would transform the same activity in distinct ways; younger and less able players would be engaged in less frequent and less complex mathematical problem solving compared to older and more competent players. To examine this, we present analyses from two types of comparisons: In one analysis, we compare 8-, 11-, and 14-year-old girls playing the standard version, and in another analysis we compare high- and low-achieving 14-year-old boys and girls playing an abbreviated version of the standard game. For each comparison, we also examine how social interaction contributes to and shapes the emergent mathematics of play.1

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Methods of the Study


In this paper, we contrast the mathematics that emerged over the course of play in six games, each played by a different group of four children.2 One group of 8-year-old girls played Monopoly Junior, and three groups of girls—8-, 11-, and 14-year-olds—played the standard version. Two additional groups of 14-year-olds, each composed of two boys and two girls, were selected from a single ninth-grade mathematics class to play an abbreviated version of the standard game: One group consisted of students selected by their mathematics teacher as low-achievers in mathematics, and the other group consisted of students ...

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