Utilitarianism. When it comes to welfare and wellbeing utilitarianism plays its role and can be considered an important part.

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 “...we try to work out our correct principles

to guide us in our approach to

 the social problems of the time”

                    -Bevan (1952)

Utilitarianism has a long and illustrious pedigree having gone through numerous permutations in the hands of philosophers, economists and politicians who have been attracted to its potential social reform (Oliver, 2006)

Despite the idea of utilitarianism being a simple one that has been prevalent throughout our history since the time of Epicurus it’s intertwining in such things as social policy development in the modern welfare state where it begins to take on complexity.

        Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined by its contribution to happiness. It is the happiness, or utility, of the collective that is the key to this idea especially since the time of its most famous promoter if not creator Jeremy Bentham. This can be viewed in his most famous saying “it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong” the idea that an action can only be seen as morally correct if it increases the happiness of the majority rather than the minority. He later reworked this phrase so that the principle of utility is “that principle which states the greatest happiness of all those whose interest is in question, as being right and proper...” (Bentham, 1789)

        It was Epicurus who first touched on the idea of utilitarianism. He claimed that the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy tranquil life characterised by aponia, the absence of pain and fear and by living a self sufficient life surrounded by friends. (http://classics.mit.edu/Epicurus/princdoc.html)

        Plato expounded a similar idea of utilitarianism when he dealt with happiness and ethical value in Dialogues. He saw that the more “self controlled (man) is, the more happy he will be” Critically, at the same time Plato saw that wisdom must be appropriated if happiness is to be fully realised as a failure in this “may invite aggression from rough neighbours, or may…lead to a species of smugness” (Lodge, 1966)

        Here we already have two different types of utilitarianism arising. One that deals with the individual and one dealing with the collective. Bentham was supported by other leading utilitarian's of the time including Hume, James Mill and his son John Stuart Mill.

Mill saw a higher and lower pleasure stating that some pleasures are “more valuable than others” (Mill, 1863) and claimed that true happiness can only be pursued by those who have experienced both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things as those “who are ‘competent judges’ will make their decision on this basis” (Mill, 1863)

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        It is this idea of collective happiness that I will be dealing with further when discussing formulation of social policy. Where Plato saw happiness through restraint on a man’s behalf of the vices of this world, Bentham saw happiness through actions which are judged morally by the consequences they produce. Because of this idea utilitarianism is seen as a form of consequentialism or teleology, which is the idea that the moral worth of an action depends upon its outcome. Therefore a right action would create the greatest amount of happiness. For example if a man was to be given five ...

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