Can Social Science help us to understand society?

 In this assignment I will look at how the social sciences can contribute to

 the understanding of society today. I will concentrate on psychology


 which is one of the disciplines contained within the social sciences.

 I will base this assignment on how psychology is used within

 society and how the discipline can assist in considering society.

 As the social sciences cover a wide range of subjects and address

many issues I will look at one particular area and will concentrate

on underachievement and poor school performance. To begin with I

 will provide general definitions of social science and the discipline of



 Social science in short is the title given to the study of society and

 humans in their social relationships. The various academic disciplines

used to study human beings and society include psychology,

economics, sociology, psychology, political economy, social policy and

 anthropology. However due to the size and diversity of the subject other

 disciplines such as human geography and social history are often

 included within the social sciences. (Billington, 1998: 257)


 Due to the level of change that society encounters and the sheer size of

 the subject, the disciplines can often overlap therefore their boundaries

 can be unclear. As well as the disciplines overlapping, a certain issue,

 group or a particular area will be addressed by more than one

 of the disciplines. An example of this is globalisation, this can be seen in

 the statement below which was written by author Kath Woodward and

 can be found in her book titled ‘Social Sciences : The Big Issues’;

                For example globalization has been of interest to all

                disciplines within the social sciences and, although they

                have taken different approaches, this can be seen as an

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                indicator of an interdisciplinary position, where the

                phenomenon under investigation takes priority, rather

                than the traditional concerns of the discipline.

                (Woodward, 2003:163)

        As Woodward states some issues can be of interest to one or

        more of the social sciences although a social scientist will usually be

an expert of a single discipline be it psychology, anthropology or

another of the disciplines previously mentioned. A social scientist

will have in depth knowledge of an academic discipline and may

also have obtained qualifications enabling them to analyse, explain


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