Why has it proved so difficult to formulate a definition of poverty that is acceptable to everyone

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Why has it proved so difficult to formulate a definition of poverty that is acceptable to everyone?

In general, the term ‘poverty’ is seen to refer to a social and economic condition which is undesirable for any individual or group in society. The concept implies that people who are suffering from poverty need to be helped in order to enhance their social status, and that a solution to the problem must be found. By examining the population of a Third World country such as Ethiopia, we can see clearly that the levels of famine and disease are high and that people are living in impoverished conditions. Alternatively, it is possible to suggest that a single mother who is living in an inner-city council estate and who is living off state benefits is suffering from poverty, even when living in a developed Western country such as England. Although there are existing explanations of poverty and why it exists, the main argument of the subject is based on what poverty should be defined as.


The main way of defining poverty in Britain is by accepting the official poverty line. It is constructed by the Department of Health and Social Security and is estimated by measuring “the number of people and families in Great Britain with incomes below the supplementary benefit (SB) level, a level which sets the ceiling for entitlement to means-tested assistance but which is frequently taken as a poverty standard” (p. 7). In 1981, the Department of Health and Social Security concluded that there were 2.8 million people who were living in families which were below the supplementary benefit level, which worked out to represent 5.3 per cent of the entire population. Although the Department of Health and Social Security’s definition of poverty is one which is used the most frequently, one could argue that if many different people hold different definitions of poverty, an objective measure of poverty is near impossible.

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There are a few diverse ways in which poverty can be defined. Firstly there is the argument over whether or not poverty should be measured in absolute or relative terms. Absolute poverty is a concept which is said to occur when “people fail to receive sufficient resources to support a minimum of physical health and efficiency, often expressed in terms of calories or nutritional levels” (p. 274). In other words, this concept claims that there are certain needs which are required to maintain human life and that one is in poverty when one does not have these basic needs. On the ...

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