Witch Hunts Throughout The Ages.

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Witch Hunts Throughout The Ages

By Emma Carrés Davis

Some were guilty.

Most were probably innocent and Christian.

A few were “Satanists”, most were not.

Some were just senile, or too ugly, or too pretty,

or just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


●   Introduction

  • Victims

●   The use of witch-hunts

  • 1550-1650
  • 1700- 1800
  • 1850- 1945
  • 1970- now

●   The mass trials

●   Reasons for confusion

  • Climate
  • Society
  • Abnormalities

●   Popular belief of the time

●   Today’s witch-hunts

  • Case study: latest victim

●   Conclusion


Witch-hunts can be traced from the time of the Bible centuries before Christ up to the time of the New Testament, from middle ages to Modern times. However, between 1500 and 1700 through out Europe and America the fear of witches and witchcraft grew and became a reason for hysteria and mass trials. The number of victims to these accusations is not definite, as many case-files have gone missing. It has been estimated that just in Europe in this time period there were 100,000 victims killed under the pretence of allying with the devil. The consequences caused by magic were called ”maleficium”, a majesty crime. The punishment was the “capital punishment” (death penalty). Therefore the historical term for witch-hunt is malefice justice.

These trials or accusations did not follow a pattern. The courts and citizens accused men and women alike, or even children. It is true that there were more women convicted for the crime of witchcraft than men, but the popular belief of witches being only women is due to propaganda.

Another error in our society’s information is that witch trials have not stopped. When we think of witch hunts we relate this concept to the middle ages, in actual fact there are many places still today that the fear of tampering with the forces of nature exists to such an extent, that suspicious behaviour is still attributed to witch craft. The last known case of this nature was on the 14th of April 2003, in Mexico.

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The use of witch hunts

There have been many different reasons for the witch-hunts, several times it has been for political interest or even pushed by the clergy.

Witchcraft cases increased slowly but steadily from the 14th-15th century. The first mass trials appeared in the 15th century. Around 1550, the persecution skyrocketed. What we think of as "the Burning Times", the crazes, panics, and mass hysteria, largely occurred in one century, from 1550-1650. In the 17th century, the Great Hunt passed nearly as suddenly as it had arisen. Trials decreased after 1650 and disappeared completely by the end ...

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