Choose one or more of the government's targets for reducing death and ill health and critically assess the prospects for achievement.

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Donna James: 04078628                Word Count: 1,900

Choose one or more of the government’s targets for reducing death and ill health and critically assess the prospects for achievement.

Health issues in British society have increasingly become an area of concern for the government. The government have been producing documents to encourage a healthier population since 1976. The document that will be a focus in this report is ‘Saving lives: Our healthier nation’ published in 1999. This report will concentrate on the greatest health threats faced by the poorer people in Britain, who are most vulnerable to death and ill health.

Sociologists have contributed to the understanding of health and illness by identifying patterns and trends in health promotion.

‘Saving lives: Our healthier nation’

The publication drawn up by the Government is a significant base for the contribution to health awareness. This White Paper outlines the government’s targets for improving the health of the population by the year 2010.

To improve the health of the worst off in society

The government aims to target the worst off people who have reduced opportunities of a healthy life by concentrating on poverty stricken areas where poor health is most common. There will be more opportunities for health improvement and the government aim to educate poorer areas about how to have a healthier lifestyle. ‘Successful health education campaigns in the past have tended to widen inequality, because the better off took more notice and changed their behaviour faster than others did’. (4.7). Areas that require attention:

Financial security: The government has identified that the gap between the rich and poor is immense and those who live in areas surrounded by high rates of poverty, unemployment, poor housing and poor education are most likely to suffer.

‘The poorer you are, the more likely you are to be ill and to die younger’. (4.2)

There is a clear relationship between ill health and low income, so the government propose to introduce benefits that enable people with a low income to have a level of security. Social security is increasing child benefits so that children have better security. Mothers who have a low income or are unable to work will be introduced to affordable childcare.

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The elderly are vulnerable to poverty, especially those with a low pension. The government has provided free eye tests and reduced transport fares to ensure they too have some level of security.

Housing is another form of security; if the home is unsafe, it can lead to bad health through damp or cold conditions. The government are aiming to offer more opportunities for people to have safe housing.

‘In any one winter there will be 2.5 million homes in England cold enough to cause ill-health’ (4.29)

Homeless people are the most vulnerable group to suffer, the government has begun a Homelessness ...

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