Healthcare and The American People. Criticism of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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Jeremy Thompson


Position Paper

December 1, 2012

Healthcare and the American People

        The people of the United States of America are in a battle for their lives.  Congress passed a bill called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and President Barack Obama signed it into law.  The bill was designed to limit the growth of insurance and make it affordable for people who cannot afford insurance.  Democrats sold this bill as a great reform that will create quality healthcare for everyone.  H.R.3200 does not help the American people the way true reform should.  This bill was a mistake.  It did not make health insurance affordable for the people and in fact it cost the American people more and did not help as many people as it hurt.

        First and foremost, the healthcare bill was not universal healthcare.  It was a form of health care reform.  Its aim was to attempt to correct some of the things Congress thinks the people of America see wrong with the insurance in general.  Congress envisioned a plan where most Americans would be able to afford quality health coverage, and the bill would give coverage to more than thirty-two million individuals who presently did not have any health coverage (Jackson and Nolen).  But the healthcare reform did not provide them with health coverage, it mandated that they buy coverage or face strict income tax implications.  People who do not purchase health insurance face a penalty of up to two percent of their gross income collected by the Internal Revenue Service  (Hamsher).  If the IRS has to police the law and collect the fines, they will have to hire more agents to check every tax return and make certain the program and procedures are followed.  The problem with making the uninsured purchase coverage is that health insurance is the cost and people are at the mercy of insurance companies.  Now Congress is telling the American people that it is imperative to buy the product and be indebted to them no matter the cost.  

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        For those who already are covered under some sort of health insurance, the bill was supposed to cut premiums.  Early estimates show that premiums for individual plans will rise between ten and thirteen percent more in 2016 under the plan compared to the old law in the same year  (Hosssain and Quealy).  The proponents of the healthcare reform argued that the cost would go down, but in truth it was because subsidies would cover the difference.  Instead of fixing the problem of high premiums, their idea was to raise the cost and cover the difference.  The money to cover the ...

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