Claudia Zschernack                9/05/2007

Major Assignment

The ability to think critically and a commitment to lifelong learning play an important part in a successful nursing education and career.  To be aware of its own attitudes and learning styles is also important for success, not only for studying at university but also after graduation.  This essay will discuss these issues and outline in how far they affect the success of education and career of a nurse.  Requirements, trends and issues in a nursing career will also be discussed in this essay.

Critical thinking is an ability that not everyone possesses (Smith, 1995). One needs to develop the capacity of critical thinking, which brings with it a drastic change in “daily thinking”.  People that not think critically have assumptions and biases and come to a conclusion far to early.  It is not surprising that the majority of the population thinks in this way, because advertising in media and traditional biases and assumptions support this kind of thinking.  A critical thinker is one that questions those biases and assumptions and looks at things from a skeptical view.  One that separates facts from opinions exercises an important critical thinking skill (Smith, 1995).

People in today’s world experience a complete change of economy, environment and lifestyle.  To survive in such a world, one needs to be able to make some changes too.  This begins with changing the thinking and learning habit.  Since the ancient age, humans learned one thing and did it over and over again because it never changed.  Therefore, thinking was alike, only one assumption or conclusion was possible.  Today, one has to be aware of the changes and needs to think critically to reach the right conclusion.  Especially in the nursing field, critical thinking plays an important role and is essential for success.  As stated above, separating facts from opinions is a critical thinking skill and crucial in nursing.  For example, a nurse has the opinion that malaria can be prevented by certain medications, but evidence through research shows that this is not quite true. In this case, opinion was confused with fact, which can have a dangerous outcome when the nurse gives a patient wrong advise.

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To prevent such incidents, thinking critically is indispensable and should be combined with the next issue, lifelong learning.

In today’s society, universities and other educational institutions are aware of the fast changing world and that a “degree is only an introduction to the complexities of the domain” (Candy, Crebert, O’Leary, 1994).  Nursing is a good example that shows how complex a domain can be.  In Australia, nurses graduate as general nurses but of course there are a variety of special fields for them to work in such as pediatrics or theatre work.  This example makes obvious that lifelong ...

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