Nutrition and Hydration. Energy Intake and Expenditure In Sports Performance

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Jack Pedley Unit 10 Sports Nutrition

Assignment 2


Energy Intake and Expenditure In Sports Performance

.” “Energy expenditure refers to the amount of energy a person uses daily to complete all bodily activities — from movement to breathing to digestion. It is measured in calories, a unit of heat, and is represented by the symbol kcal. Energy requirements can vary widely from person to person, and even from day to day in an individual. Total energy expenditure, also known as metabolic rate, is affected by such factors as amount of physical activity, number of hours spent sleeping, types of foods consumed, exposure to extreme temperatures, and amount of  a person carries”

Energy comes from the sun, it is called solar energy and it plants can convert this solar energy to chemical energy by a Process called photosynthesis. This chemical energy is used to make other substances such as carbohydrates, protein and fat and our body uses these in foods to obtain energy). Our bodies use protein and fat to produce

Calories are units of energy, for the body,  our body needs this energy to stay alive, grow, keep warm and be active. Several factors determine the number of calories that a person needs daily, including age, gender, level of physical activity, general , and basal metabolic rate. Despite the number of things involved, it is possible to calculate approximately how many calories you need every day based on your current weight. The nutritional value of calories consumed influences your overall . Overall, the number of calories you consume, and the number you expend will determine if you maintain, gain, or lose weight.


When we look at designing a healthy eating and exercise plan we need to look at the persons body composition and laboratory methods to do this can be done in two ways

Direct measurement – analysis by using chemicals

Indirect measurement – by weighing or by simple anthropometry

Skinfold method

This is when callipers are used to measure fat on different areas of the body. You need to pinch the fat with your fingers apply the callipers then read the measurement digitally,

This method is fast and inexpensive, and it is fairly easy, provided the user is trained in the use of calipers; it can be inaccurate if the person performing the skinfold thickness test is not properly trained. This method can usually be obtained through doctors, personal trainers, and some gyms.


This is also known as underwater weighing and calculates the body fat from bone density, The athlete is fully submerged in water in a cradle that is specially designed with a weighing scale attached. And their weigh is recorded both before they enter the water and once they are under the water. Honeybourne J (2007) 

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This method is accurate, but does have its limitations. It cannot be used for anyone who is ill, anyone whose health is frail, or anyone who cannot hold breath for a determined period of time and it cannot be used for children.

Biolelectric impedance analysis 

This method measures body composition by sending a low, safe electrical current

through the body. The current passes  through the fluids contained in muscle tissue but finds it difficult to pass through fat. This resistance of the fat tissue to the current is termed 'bioelectrical impedance', and is accurately measured by ...

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