Plastic surgery report. One of the contributions to the popularity of plastic surgery has been the advancements in technology and procedures.

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The world of plastic surgery is changing quickly, with technological advances in both surgical equipment and techniques. Newer techniques including laser-assisted and endoscopic surgery allow for surgery that is safer and more effective, with less trauma and less recovery time for the patient.

The first written sources of evidence, 600 BC in India have been cosmetic procedures, like today. The most popular surgery appears to be the reconstruction of the nose. The reason is that cutting the nose is one of the most common punishments at that time - prisoners, liars, adulterers - all these people should be forgiven with that part of his body. Of course, immediately find a doctor to help in this area. The first, which not only operate but also record their activity is Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta Samhita). The manipulation hasn’t changed a lot over the last 3 000 years. His method was to pay part of the skin of the forehead and cheeks and carefully stretch it over the missing part of the nose. Subjected bamboo sticks instead of his nostrils. Over time the skin is stretching the edges and the nose heal. After World War II the plastic surgery was established as an independent specialty and it wasn’t experimental anymore. And the rapid development leeks reached the 60's, 70's and 80's of 20th century, are now called "the golden age of plastic surgery. People are becoming better informed, operations increasingly routine, their prices - even more affordable.

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One of the contributions to the popularity of plastic surgery has been the advancements in technology and procedures. For example, people can get an idea of the results of their cosmetic surgery even before undergoing a procedure. Some surgeons offer computer imaging at their practice and some offer before and after photographs to show how much change they have provided for their patients in the past. 3D Technology similar to that used in video games and films is being used to simulate plastic surgery on prospective clients. So far, breast augmentation, nose reshaping and chin sculpting have been the most ...

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