Pulmonary tuberculosis. My objectives was to learn more about mycobacterium tuberculosis, and overview on pulmonary tuberculosis

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Amira saidin – manchestersem3

Introduction (TB thesis sem 3)

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the microorganism Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  It can affect several organs of the human body, including the brain, the kidneys and the bones; but most commonly it affects the lungs (Pulmonary Tuberculosis). 

The first stage of the infection usually lasts for several months.  During this period, the body's natural defenses (immune system) resist the disease, and most or all of the bacteria are walled in by a fibrous capsule that develops around the area.  Before the initial attack is over, a few bacteria may escape into the bloodstream and be carried elsewhere in the body, where they are again walled in.

In many cases, the disease never develops beyond this stage - and is referred to as TB infection.  If the immune system fails to stop the infection and it is left untreated, the disease progresses to the second stage, active disease.  There, the germ multiplies rapidly and destroys the tissues of the lungs (or the other affected organ). 

In some cases, the disease, although stoped at first, flares up after a latent period.  Sometimes, the latent period is many years, and the bacteria become active when the opportunity presents itself, especially when immunity is low.

The second stage of the disease is manifested by destruction or "consumption" of the tissues of the affected organ.  When the lung is affected, it results in diminished respiratory capacity, associated with other symptoms; when other organs are affected, even if treated adequately, it may leave permanent, disabling scar tissue.

Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is currently threatening to re-emerge with a greater threat to morbidity and mortality of patients badly affect by it. The phenomenon of drug and multi-drug resistance (MDR) has made the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis one of the most feared organisms. This is more strikingly demonstrated by the increased occurrence of tuberculosis among the young, the elderly and the immunocompromised, with AIDS being a classic example.

Tuberculosis kills an estimated 2-3 million people a year; this amounts to a staggering 5500 people a day, with 95-98% of this mortality occurring in developing countries. Overall one-third of the world population is currently infected with the tubercle bacillus.

My objectives was to learn more about mycobacterium tuberculosis, and overview on pulmonary tuberculosis so that we should well aware that how the disease would effect us in the future.

Literature review.

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis scanning electron micrograph. Mag 15549X. CDC.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiologic agent of tuberculosis  in humans. Humans are the only reservoir for the bacterium.

Mycobacterium bovis is the etiologic agent of TB in cows and rarely in humans. Both cows and humans can serve as reservoirs. Humans can also be infected by the consumption of unpasteurized milk. This route of transmission can lead to the development of extrapulmonary TB, exemplified in history by bone infections that led to hunched backs.Other human pathogens belonging to the Mycobacterium genus include Mycobacterium avium which causes a TB-like disease especially prevalent in AIDS patients, and Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy.[1]

1.1 General Characteristics

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a fairly large nonmotile rod-shaped bacterium distantly related to the Actinomycetes. Many non pathogenic mycobacteria are components of the normal flora of humans, found most often in dry and oily locales. The rods are 2-4 micrometers in length and 0.2-0.5 um in width.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe. For this reason, in the classic case of tuberculosis, MTB complexes are always found in the well-aerated upper lobes of the lungs. The bacterium is a facultative intracellular parasite, usually of macrophages, and has a slow generation time, 15-20 hours, a physiological characteristic that may contribute to its virulence.

Two media are used to grow MTB Middlebrook's medium which is an agar based medium and Lowenstein-Jensen medium which is an egg based medium. MTB colonies are small and buff colored when grown on either medium. Both types of media contain inhibitors to keep contaminants from out-growing MT. It takes 4-6 weeks to get visual colonies on either type of media. [1][2]

Colonies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on Lowenstein-Jensen medium. CDC.

Chains of cells in smears made from in vitro-grown colonies often form distinctive serpentine cords. This observation was first made by Robert Koch who associated cord factor with virulent strains of the bacterium. [8][9]

MTB is not classified as either Gram-positive  or Gram-negative because it does not have the chemical characteristics of either, although the bacteria do contain peptidoglycan (murein) in their cell wall. If a Gram stain is performed on MTB, it stains very weakly Gram-positive or not at all (cells referred to as "ghosts").

Mycobacterium species, along with members of a related genus Nocardia, are classified as acid-fast bacteria due to their impermeability by certain dyes and stains. Despite this, once stained, acid-fast bacteria will retain dyes when heated and treated with acidified organic compounds. One acid-fast staining method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the Ziehl-Neelsen stain. When this method is used, the MTB. smear is fixed, stained with carbol-fuchsin (a pink dye), and decolorized with acid-alcohol. The smear is counterstained with methylene-blue or certain other dyes. Acid-fast bacilli appear pink in a contrasting background.[8][9]

In order to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a sputum sample, an excess of 10,000 organisms per ml of sputum are needed to visualize the bacilli with a 100X microscope objective (1000X mag). One acid-fast bacillus/slide is regarded as "suspicious" of an MTB infection.[1][2]

Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Acid-fast stain. CDC.

1.2 Cell Wall Structure

The cell wall structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis deserves special attention because it is unique among procaryotes, and it is a major determinant of virulence for the bacterium. The cell wall complex contains peptidoglycan, but otherwise it is composed of complex lipids. Over 60% of the mycobacterial cell wall is lipid. The lipid fraction of MTB's cell wall consists of three major components, mycolic acids, cord factor, and wax-D.[7][8][9]

Mycolic acids are unique alpha-branched lipids found in cell walls ofMycobacterium and Corynebacterium. They make up 50% of the dry weight of the mycobacterial cell envelope.  Mycolic acids are strong hydrophobic molecules that form a lipid shell around the organism and affect permeability properties at the cell surface.  Mycolic Acids are thought to be a significant determinant of virulence in MTB. Probably, they prevent attack of the mycobacteria by cationic proteins, lysozyme, and oxygen radicals in the phagocytic granule. They also protect extracellular mycobacteria from complement deposition in serum. [2][3]

Cord Factor is responsible for the serpentine cording mentioned above. Cord factor is toxic to mammalian cells and is also an inhibitor of PMN migration. Cord factor is most abundantly produced in virulent strains of MTB.

Wax-D in the cell envelope is the major component of Freund's complete adjuvant (CFA).

The high concentration of lipids in the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosishave been associated with these properties of the bacterium:

  • Impermeability to stains and dyes
  • Resistance to many antibiotics
  • Resistance to killing by acidic and alkaline compounds 
  • Resistance to osmotic lysis via complement deposition 
  • Resistance to lethal oxidations and survival inside of macrophages[1][7][9]

1.3 Scanning electron micrograph of

The primary cause of TB, , is an   that  every 16 to 20 hours, an extremely slow rate compared with other bacteria, which usually divide in less than an hour. (For example, one of the fastest-growing bacteria is a strain of  that can divide roughly every 20 minutes.) Since MTB has a cell wall but lacks a  , it is  as a  bacterium. However, if a  is performed, MTB either stains very weakly Gram-positive or does not retain dye due to the high lipid & mycolic acid content of its cell wall. MTB is a small rod-like  that can withstand weak  and survive in a  for weeks. In nature, the bacterium can grow only within the cells of a  organism, but M. tuberculosis can be cultured .[1][2]

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Using  stains on expectorate samples from  (also called sputum), scientists can identify MTB under a regular microscope. Since MTB retains certain stains after being treated with acidic solution, it is classified as an  (AFB). The most common acid-fast staining technique, the , dyes AFBs a bright red that stands out clearly against a blue background. Other ways to visualize AFBs include an  and .[1][7][8]

1.4 Transmission

When people suffering from active pulmonary TB cough, sneeze, speak, or spit, they expel infectious  droplets 0.5 to 5  in diameter. A single sneeze can release up to 40,000 droplets.  Each one of ...

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