Team working and the NMC code.

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Team working and the NMC code.

 (Word count -  2136)

This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of inter-professional collaboration, using examples from personal experiences of the collaborative group work during the module which developed the author’s awareness and skills for the future nursing career.

The aim of this essay is to look at the significance of inter-professionally working within a multidisciplinary team in order to achieve the best patient-focused care. Within this essay the names and settings will not be disclosed in order to protect confidentiality (NMC 2008).

The purpose of this essay is firstly to see what the NMC code means by effective and co-operative teamwork of nurses and highlight the issues that arise from collaboration such as fairness and anti-discrimination, respect of the professionals’ knowledge and experience, sharing the skills, taking advice from colleagues.

 Secondly it will be considered whether working in team makes better results than if  people work alone.  

Finally, the effectiveness of what the author learnt during the Fundamentals of Professional Practice module will be discussed. These will include: communication skills, reflective practice, ethics and values of professional practice, principles and codes of professional practice.

A team demands ‘collaborative, not competitive, effort, where each member takes responsibility for the performance of the team rather than just their own individual performance’ (Torrington and Hall 2002:p.317).  

Loxley (1997) defined inter-professional collaboration as a group of professionals ‘who will work across boundaries, work with difference’. Successful collaboration depends on the group of professionals’ positive strategies as to what specific outcome they want to get. (Loxley 1997 cited by Hogston 2002:p.454)

 Thanks to the work of the multidisciplinary team, different experts can cooperate with each other in order to benefit the patient and deliver person-centred care.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code of professional conduct (NMC, 2008) highlights the importance of teamwork. It points out that nurses must work well together as a team, give respect to each person and not discriminate.  

Nurses must know how to communicate effectively that helps them to work more co-operatively within teams.

If there is a problem with how healthcare professionals interact and one member is off sick, the team might not carry on with work in a proper way. If the team is supportive to each other, there can be always the team members who find new strategies how to improve the care of patients.

Team members should feel they can honestly express their ideas and relay information to each other, develop the skills of listening, empathy and reflection on giving and receiving of information. Lack of communication can lead to misunderstanding and, as a result, the loss of trust between health professionals. New skills can be obtained by having good comprehension from each others.

Payne (2000) believed that professional groups should be adjustable to their role in order to act together with the others’ roles.

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Nursing is a very responsible profession that is why continuing to obtain practical skills and theoretical knowledge is very important for nurses throughout life. Many nurses do not have possibility to attend the libraries or seminars. If the qualified health professionals share their experience with nurses they could develop competence and performance constantly. Sharing skills nurses can create innovative ideas for improving nursing practice. Sharing the skills help nurses to be competent about the signs and symptoms of illnesses which they meet at work and can not understand why they occur. If a nurse copies the skills of more experience ...

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