Using creative Activities In care

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Unit 9:

Using creative


In care

By Charlotte Raistrick.


Firstly, I feel this quote “no special ability or disability required” (Something to draw on by Carol Ross) is the most effective concise statement to answer the above question.

The advantages of using creative activities give self-explanation to why creative activities are used in care.

These advantages are listed as follows;

  • Almost everyone has used art as a child, and can still do so if encouraged to forget about images having to be ‘artistically or culturally correct’.
  • It can be used as means of pre-verbal or non-verbal communication. This can be important for those who do not have a good mastery of verbal communication, for whatever reason. It can be a vital tool in those peoples communication.
  • Pictures can act as a bridge between an Art Therapist and client, where the subject is too embarrassing to talk about or too disturbing to the client. This can therefore lead to help for the client.
  • It can be used as a means of self-exploration and self-expression. A picture is often a more precise description of feelings and depiction of experiences, which are ‘hard to put into words’.  Aids effective communication.
  • The process of ‘doing art’ can sometimes help people to become more aware of feeling previously hidden from them; this is partly due to its relaxing element and escapism quality.
  • Using art can sometimes help people to release feelings e.g. anger and aggression and can provide a safe and acceptable way of dealing with heightened emotions.
  • Not only feelings may be explored, but thoughts and ideas. Promoting independence and choice.
  • Using art requires active participation, which can help mobilise clients.  In group settings in can equalize participation.
  • Using art can create an individual ‘space’ which individuals can explore themselves without pressure, creating a sense of safety and even security- vital in the holistic approach to health.
  • It is enjoyable and importantly fun. It can be an opportunity for adults especially to be ‘allowed’ to play.
  • For certain disorders it can be used diagnostically, e.g. stroke victims.
  • In group activities, it can help social skills.
  • It can provide a challenge, which can be both stimulating to the mind and body.
  • It can aid in the learning of new skills or skills been lost by injury or illness.
  • It can be used to help with hand-eye coordination.
  • Exploration of other textures, materials and colour.
  • It provides a mental and physical form of relaxation.
  • Providing a sense of achievement, thus building confidence and esteem.
  • It promotes choice, also factors in building confidence and esteem.
  • Processes can be used as occupational therapy, e.g. the process of mixing powder paint akin to making a cup of coffee. The safeties of a craft room as oppose to the kitchen. Providing important first steps.
  • The arts have that extraordinary power to engage the emotions and so motivate individuals to strive beyond their limits because they are enjoying themselves.
  • Try to hold the activity in a room, avoiding rooms that group member’s associate with less pleasant activities.

Art therefore, given the benefits to the person can support the client in improving their quality of life, through a ‘fun’ medium.  Proving to be highly beneficial to the holistic person.

Examples of creative activities:

There is a vast expanse of creative activities, all of which can help accomplish some, if not most of the benefits listed above.

Listed below are a small number of examples;

  • Painting
  • Drawing, with a variety of material e.g. pencil, crayon, charcoal, felt pen, wax etc.
  • Sewing, including needlecraft, knitting and weaving.
  • College
  • Cooking/baking
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Creative writing
  • Horticultural therapy
  • Art craft
  • Puppeteering, influences role play in ‘safety’
  • Drama, as above and as a release.


The Task.

In this assignment I have been asked to select, plan, organise and carry out four creative activities that meet the needs of clients in different care settings.

It is my opinion as well as, I am sure others that art and associated activities do not require lots of equipment and therefore incurred cost. I believe cost may be a factor in the lack of creative stimulus in care settings. I have aimed to perform activities with as little cost incurred as possible. My aim is to show that creative activities are accessible to all.  

Task 1

Creative Makeovers.

My client group for this activity is teenage girls between the age of approx. 15 – 18, on the children’s ward at Stepping Hill Hospital.  I chose this client group, in this particular setting because from experience they do not seem to cater effectively, for this particular group. I would describe them as borderline clients; they are too young for the adult wards and yet too old for the creative activities held on the children’s ward.

 Another reason this activity has been chosen aimed primarily at girls, (although not exclusive to) is because of the apparent differences in life stages between boys and girls. I mean this in a non-sexist manner and merely as a general observation. This social divide is backed up by medical opinion and evidence based on the hormonal changes related to puberty. An example of this is Whilst most of the boys seem happy to play computer games (often aimed at their age group and below) the girls find this ‘childish’.

Although this activity is targeted primarily at girls, it will be identified later how this activity may be adapted not only to incorporate teenage boys but across a spectrum of clients.

Considerations of all activities.

Before deciding finally, that this should be my chosen activity I gave thought to various factors to ensure my activity is suitable.

My activity should be:

  • Age appropriate.

  • Open to adaptability concerning ability.

  • Genders appropriate, with adaptability to the opposite sex.

  • Should influence important beneficial features for the age group, i.e. social skills, understanding, support, boundaries and independence, fun, beneficial to the holistic health of the individuals.

  • With relation to the setting, group dynamics and building on them is to be important influence in my selection.

  • Providing a safe, environmental and emotional activity.

  • Open to all races and religions.

  • Providing an easily accessed medium of creativity. Including financial issues.

  • An enjoyable experience: a motivating factor in enabling individuals to overcome their limitations.

Reasons for my chosen activity and benefits to client

I chose make-up firstly because it is personal to girls, immediately arousing some interest in the activity, helping me in the implementation of my plan and also helping them to be creative with something that is familiar to them. This should help in providing an emotionally safe environment.

Secondly, I chose ‘creative’ make up rather than make over because it relieves the pressure of conforming to social and media expectations. I was conscious of the media projections of young girls having to look a certain way, an unreal suggestion. These suggestions that have a massive influence on their self-concept and self-esteem.  It is also an issue that these clients are ill may not be looking ‘healthy’ anyway. To further add to this my clients will have come from a variety of social classes, backgrounds and cultures, they will therefore have different opinions on what is ‘The look’- what is beautiful to one may not be to another. With a make over ideals would be challenged, resulting in low self-esteem. It is for these reasons, it is not ‘beautifying’ I am hoping to achieve, rather having ‘fun’ with the safety of experimenting under the umbrella of a game.

Other factors and benefits;

  • Most girls this age own or have ready access to make up, making the activity easily available to them. Little or no cost to them.
  • The majority of this target group will have an interest in wearing make up.
  • Most girls this age are or becoming conscious of their appearance, the provision of a safe experimenting environment should be attained.
  • Given the materials we shall be using they should feel this is a mature activity however introducing some fun.
  • Because I plan for the girls to apply the make-up to each other, degrees of trust should be established. (Support).
  • Social skills and communication will be involved, improved and even new skills acquired. Given the hospital environment the importance of making friends and feeling an accepted member of the group apart from promotion of self-esteem and self-concept it is vital to their holistic health. All of the above a factors in their recovery.
  • An independent (of constant supervision) activity raises self-esteem through responsibility and trust.
  • The group integration will require the clients to empathise with each other, understanding gained from consideration for others.
  • Friendship may be born as a result of activity.
  • Give the clients a united interest, where currently they may
  • Self-esteem built by uniting other in the same situation.
  • Again, using a familiar medium (make-up) will create an opportunity for them to feel competent.
  • Self esteem can be built by support, praise, constructive criticism, appreciation, encouragement, reassurance and validation can be given by me and through discussion with other group members.
  • Boundaries are in place but are extended out of their normal limitations. Again promoting independence and allowing for fun and self-expression.
  • This activity is also a stimulus for the mind and imagination.

Plan of activity.


I have decided to give the girls some options into the activity we do, however I will attempt to guide them with informed choice, creative make up. The reason I am offering choice is that it is an important factor concerning this age group. It promotes independence with controlled freedom, allowing them to feel recognised as young adults and the associated sense of understanding they require. All key in building self-esteem and self-concept.

Before the implementation of my plan, I will draw some ideas on paper to give the girls a visual aid to my proposed plan. This should hopefully inspire and excite them to performing the activity. The other benefit to having these visual aids is I can show that their work does not have to be complicated to achieve good results

I believe it is important to give the clients an activity they can easily achieve, therefore incorporating the opportunity to succeed, giving self-motivation and again uplifting their self-esteem.

The Plan contd.

  • Accommodation.

On selecting the venue for my activity, I came across various obstacles. We would have free use of the day room (situated on the ward) however; this space needs to be accessible to all of the children during the day. For this reason, I have decided to hold my activity at 7 o’clock in the evening.  This does however have some benefits, as follows;

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Pro’s                                                                                Cons          

-Younger ones will be in bed.                  - The girls may be tired.

-The evenings are ‘boring’                          - This time clashes with

-Skin will be cleansed before bed.             Visiting time.        

-Reduced risk of embarrassment,

-As the other clients are either asleep

-Or otherwise occupied.

-Ward will be quieter.

It was my conclusion that we would have to use the day room because the other areas were not suitable; The staff room did not allow client access. The relative’s room was often in use, day and night and I thought it was unsuitable because ...

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