What are the consequences of employment for mental health

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What are the consequences of employment for mental health

     The research that has been carried out on the consequences of unemployment is extensive.  Much of this research is related to the 1930’s and 1980’s when unemployment reached its peak in the west.   I aim with this research to highlight the consequences of unemployment on a person’s mental health.  I would like to analyse the role that work plays within our lives, as if we are to assess the human consequences of unemployment, we need to understand the human consequences of employment also.   If employment has lost its meaning for many through alienatation and exploitation in the workplace, then surely unemployment would become merely an economic issue.


     Work in a modern society serves many functions in that it provides outcomes that have the potential to satisfy a number of personal needs.   Initially, work is a source of income and when we look at the classical concept of the economic man, it suggests that income is the only reason for work and that humans are only motivated to achieve a better material status  As we know this Tayloristc view isn’t true, otherwise we could assume that people would discontinue working once their material needs were satisfied.   The fact that this alone is true suggests that work plays a more important function.   Neff (1968) (cited in states that those who were vocationally disabled wanted to work to release themselves from boredom and inactivity therefore work as a form of activity is very important.  Work requires the expenditure of energy in the form of physical or mental activity.   In a study carried out by Morse and Weiss (1955) (cited in on the reasons for working, 32 per cent indicated that work kept them occupied and interested, 10 per cent that work kept them healthy, four per cent that without work they would be bored and another 10 per cent said they wouldn’t know what to do with all their time.  It would appear that work is the main source of activity for humans and that people prefer to be active than idle.


     Work acts as a structure to time.  It determines what time people get up, how long they stay away from the home and what they will spend their time doing.   Over a longer period, our time is structured by holidays, weekends and so on, which provides many timetable for life.   Loss of work can be said to lead to ‘de-orientation.’  Jahoda’s study in the 1930’s of an Austrian village called Marienthal, is a perfect example of how workers became ‘de-orientated’ with the closure of the only factory in the village.  The men who had become unemployed were asked at the end of each day to describe their activities.  They were unable to give any good description and their days were scheduled by biologically incisive points, such as eating.   Other tasks, which could only have consumed a few minutes, were described as taking up the whole morning.   While these men had lots of free time their women complained that they were never punctual at mealtimes, highlighting the relevance of a habitual time structure through work (cited in


     Work is a sourse of creativity and mastery. Hendrick (1943 cited in  suggests that the pleasure gained from work is due to the fact we have mastery over the ability to change our environment.  He created a work principle that states ‘…primary pleasure is sought by the efficient use of the nervous system for the performance of well-integrated ego functions which enable the individual to control or alter his or her environment.’(p.41.)   Neff (1968 cited in ) believes that in some cases people attempt to satisfy themselves through their work and the needs to be creative.   Creativity is a form of stimulation releaving one from boredom and attaining a sense of achievement.  Work creates meaningfulness and without it a person can suffer from feeling a loss of purpose.


     Social interaction is another aspect of work that is vital to a person.   It was discovered by Herberg et al (1957 cited in   when reviewing 15 studies, which involved 28,000 workers, that a major sourse of satisfaction was the social aspect of the job to the extent it was the most frequently meantioned.


     Finally, work gives people a sourse of identity.  Many people introduce themselves using the title of their occupation. This is an indicator of a person’s status and is perhaps is used due to the loss of many traditional forms of identification, such as religion.   Unemployment undermines the individual’s status and in-turn damages a person’s self-esteem by the fact they become dependent on others or the state for support.  This can often lead to a feeling of failure.

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     It appears that work provides a great deal more than just satisfaction but infact fulfils many deeper needs of our human nature.  The loss of work therfore must have some form of effect on a person’s mental health. Through the ‘Psycho-social Transition’ I aim to show this.


     The Psycho-social Transition is a framework designed to describe the various stages that people experience during unemployment.   While it is only a general framework it attempts to provide a basis from which we can gain a greater understanding of an individual’s behaviour and psychological state.   This framework was designed ...

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