Legacy of Communist Leaders.

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Legacy of Communist Leaders.

The History of modern Russia (twentieth century) is the period of communist government. After the revolution in 1917 Russia became the first communist state, which survived until 1991. Seventy-four years of rapid changes left an enormous mark in the history of Russia. This period of history introduced us to the greatest communist leaders. History doesn't happen by itself. There must be Individuals who make it. And in our history those individuals are Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. To understand how this period of history affected the present and then future we must look at each leader at a time to see what were his purposes and actions and make an opinion.

Before 1917 Russia was an empire with tsars from Romanov dynasty. It was a powerful Empire with some weaknesses, which each empire has. Before the revolution in 1917 there was the First Russian Revolution in 1905 knows as the Bloody Sunday. There were three parties - Social-Democratic Labour Party (1898), Party Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Constitutional-Democratic Party. The Social-Democratic Labour Party split into two half: The Bolsheviks (Majority) led by Vladimir Lenin and The Mensheviks (Minority) led by Martov. Vladimir Lenin (born in 1840) began his political career already in University from which he was expelled as a radical troublemaker. In 1890 he went abroad and joined The Marxists - Plekhanov and Martov. He traveled a lot and had a chance to talk to well educated people. Abroad he wrote his books and after he returned in 1917 he started to realize his ideas. He was the leader of the October revolution, which led to the First Soviet Decreases and SOVNARKOM. Lenin became the First Soviet Leader. The Leader of RSFSR- Russian Soviet Federative Social Republic. Lenin was aiming toward Dictatorship of Proletariat- the intermediate stage in the passage from Capitalism to Communist. He understood that it is impossible to make a country become Communist in a day. Under Lenin Russia went through extremely hard time called THE WAR COMMUNISM - Civil War, class contradictions political instability. Many freedoms that were granted by the revolution were taken away. Lenin started to use rigid discipline. He made collapse village communities and introduced the GRAIN REQUISITION (principle of economy), kulaks- the individual village communities were destroyed. 1917-1918 The Brest- Litovsk Treaty. The result of it is that Russia disjoined from east territories and Germany demands to allow self-determination to Ukraine, Byelorussia and Baltic states. Under Lenin anything that was about individualism, being an individual simply did not exist. On the other hand Vladimir Lenin thought a lot about education and thought that everyone must study. NEP (New Economy Policy) was the time of relative freedom and experimentation. Socialist literature and Socialist Realism came. It was a form of art that supported communist future. Lenin was a strict leader and NEP was just a period n the history for people to have a little rest from hard "black" time. If Lenin didn't die in 1924 he would be the first who began the purge and not Stalin.
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Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich continued Lenin's work with some changes. The political and cultural aims of his regime were to identify the totalitarian rule of Communist party with stability and legitimacy. For Stalin totalitarianism was a system of government and ideology in which all social, political, economic, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual activities are subordinated to the purposes of the rulers (leaders) and ruling ideology of a state. Totalitarianism is a terror, it is dictatorship of small groups such as politburo, it is elimination of classes, regular purges in the party, army, and public organizations. Stalin was born in 1894. ...

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