Vietnam Coursework Sources Question

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Vietnam Coursework


Study Source A

What can you learn from Source A about the reasons for US involvement in South Vietnam?

Source A is written by John F Kennedy in 1965, which is four years before he became President. This shows that the

threat of communism abroad was a big worry to Americans not just the threat of communism in their own country.

Tensions were still high at this time as America was just coming out of the McCarthy era. In source A Kennedy

firstly describes the worries of communism spreading from the already communist Russia and China to other

countries in eastern Asia such as Vietnam. This spread of communism from one country to another is known as the

domino effect and was first mentioned by Eisenhower. From this you can learn that Vietnam was already a worry to

Americans as people felt it make become a communist country. Kennedy then goes on to try and justify his argument

against communism in Vietnam so you can see from this source that Americans felt Vietnam was an important issue.

He describes how he feels that Vietnams economy is important was important and that the countries politics were

very good. The fact that Kennedy describes Vietnam as such an important country shows that Americans would feel

very against the country falling to communism.


Study Sources B and C

In what ways does the evidence of Sources B and help you understand the reasons for US involvement in South


Source B shows how the US government felt about the situation in Vietnam. Although the USA had not yet become

directly involved with Vietnam the source still shows it is an important issue. Source B describes how the Americans

felt about the actions of the North Vietnam Communist government. They felt the communist government was trying

to conquer the people of South Vietnam. This idea that North Vietnam was forcing its views on South Vietnam by

using weapons and violence made the American government look to the Truman doctrine. This gave Americans a

justification to become involved in Vietnam because the Truman doctrine says that the United States must support

people who have armed forces subjugation. In other words it made Americans feel they had the right to contain the

spreading communism. Source C shows gives you a good idea of how many young men felt about the war when it

first started. The source shows that to the young, war was seen as attractive. This meant that when the opportunity

to fight for their country against the communist enemy in Vietnam came, many young men volunteered. The fact that

America had never lost a war was also an added attraction to the young men who were volunteering to fight against

the communists of North Vietnam. The source refers to Kennedy's speech "ask what you can do for your country."

This was another reason for young American citizens to go and fight in Vietnam as they were living up to Kennedy's

challenge and doing something for their country and doing something for their country. The rest of source C does

not give any reasons for US involvement in Vietnam but describes the kind of things these young American soldiers

were doing in Vietnam. This war they were now fighting was very different to the expectation and formerly normal

"set-piece" battles were very rare. This source was written by a volunteer who fought in Vietnam so his feelings were

very likely to be the same as many young Americans at the time.


Study Sources C, D and E

Use the evidence of Sources C, D and E, and your own knowledge, to explain why the US forces were unable to

defeat the Viet Cong.

Source C is written by a volunteer who fought in Vietnam so it is a reliable description of the kind of fighting that
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went on between the American and Viet Cong troops. Much of the army sent to Vietnam was made up of young

recruits who had very little battle experience but they were trained to kill There were not fighting the kind of battles

that were previously considered normal which was that you knew exactly where the enemy was. The Source

describes how these "set-piece" battles were rare and they only thing they achieved were a few dead Viet Cong

bodies. From this you can see that the American troops were fighting ...

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