Task One


Personality is a mixture of a person's traits and characteristics which make them different from everyone else.

Sports performers personalities' may widely vary or be very similar. When describing their personality, just listing characteristics is not always 100% accurate. This is because their characteristics may be different when not playing sports. For example, Eric Cantona may only be aggressive when on the football pitch and not in his everyday life.

Because of this, Hollander then designed a structure of personality which was split into 3 layers:

. Psychological core - true beliefs and values

2. Typical responses - normal response to a situation.

3. Role-related behaviour - response is affected by the social environment the person is in.

These can also be shown on a diagram like this:

Social Environment

Structure of personality example - Theo Walcott.













Another way in which sports psychologists differentiate between sports personalities is with the trait approach. Two psychologists, Cattell and Eyesnck, discovered that there are two types of traits:

- Primary or source traits - genetic/inherited

- Secondary or surface traits - influenced by learning and experiences.

Eyesnck said that personality was mainly inherited traits. He came up with a way to measure these traits, on a Personality Inventory. He identified two major personality dimensions which can be viewed on a continuum:


Introvert Extrovert


It is said that extroverts need increased levels of stimulation to maintain optimum levels of attention and brain functioning. Introverts are said to have naturally high levels of excitement within them, therefore tend not to need external stimulation or excitation. An example of an extroverted performer is Roy Keane, and an example of an introverted performer is Theo Walcott.
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This means that introverts tend to:

- Prefer individual sports

- Prefer a low level of excitement

- Work hard in training

- Get nervous before important competitions

- Perform intricate skills well

- Enjoy sports with more restricted movements

- Perform better at low levels of arousal

And extroverts tend to:

- Prefer team sports

- Prefer a high level of excitement

- Get bored in training

- Enjoy important competitions

- Get impatient with intricate skills

- Enjoy sports with ...

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