The Suffering, Death And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

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The Suffering, Death And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

In this part of my coursework, I will attempt to show how Jesus' example of self-sacrifice, suffering, death and resurrection is still important to Christians today, and should be included in every good Christians life.

Firstly, when I say '...self-sacrifice, suffering, death and resurrection...included in every good Christians life...' I don't mean that every Christian should run in front of a train to prove their belief in God, no, I merely meant that, for instance, if there is a charity money collection going around, you should put that little bit of money you reserved for, say, a chocolate bar, in instead of spending it on something you can easily go on with without. This is what I believe all Christians can do, and, if they did, it would make the world a generally better place, immediately showing that even the smallest example of self-sacrifice can prove to be a very Christian thing to do.

If one was to look in the Bible and read through the entire book of Mark, one would see that there are dozens upon dozens of examples and teachings from Jesus showing the need and use of self-sacrifice. The most prominent and best examples are:

* Mark 10: 17-22 (The Rich Man), In which a rich man runs up to Jesus and says that he has followed his preaching since he was very small. He then asks Jesus what can he do extra to make sure that he is doing the right thing to get to heaven. Jesus then replies that he is to sell practically all of his possessions and give the money to the poor so that they can have food and water. This, however makes the rich man sad as he has worked all his life for his riches, yet he, like a good Christian, does exactly as Jesus says. After, Jesus shows that it may be hard for a rich man to go to heaven, but, with faith in God and a little self-sacrifice, it is possible.
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* Then, in Mark 10: 35-45 (The Request Of James And John) in which Jesus says that to go to heaven and be at his right and left hands, you must ' a servant to the rest...' which means that you must put others in front of you, no matter who they are.

* Finally, in Mark 12: 41-44 (The Widows Offering) Jesus is a temple and, to please him, rich men came and gave many riches and jewels, yet, when a poor widow came along and dropped in a few pennies, Jesus showed his disciples that ...

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