Are there any benefits of having English as a Global Language?

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Are there any benefits of having English as a Global Language?

English, which is spoken by 1.9 billon of the world's population as their first language, has been spreading rapidly in the world since the British Industrial Revolution and colonialism in many continents such as Asia, Africa and North America during the 18th century. As the influence of English is increasing, some linguists think that it is a natural process of successful international communication. However, many other languages are also dying out at an accelerating rate because of the expansion of the English language. In discussing the issue of the growing influence of English; arguments, both for and against, should be considered, particularly, in the economic, the information exchange, the linguistic aspects and the aspect of alteration, unity and differentiation.

In this context the English language is accused of being a killer language that wipes out smaller languages as well as the cultures they represent. Scientific researchers have found out that in fact many small languages have already vanished, such as Xam, a Southern Khoisan language used by hunter gatherer communities of Southern Africa (source E).

English may not be the world's most widely spoken native language, as Chinese, with 1151 million mother tongue speakers, nearly double the number of English mother tongue speakers (source D). Although as Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world, which is due to the large population of China; it's not considered a Global Language because very few people speak Mandarin outside the boundaries of China (source C). However unlike Mandarin, English is spoken worldwide as a second language by many people in many countries. This makes it a better candidate for becoming a Global language, compared with Mandarin. English fitted in a slot that could have been filled by any other language as well. It can neither be blamed for developments demanding an international language nor for the consequences.
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The major reason as to why the English language is so popular is down to its simplicity and flexibility. For example, compare the number of letters in the alphabet, or number of building block characters a language has. English has 26, Mandarin has 45,000. Similarly, but not as extreme, French, German and Hindi also have more characters than English. Further, English is pretty simple to use, with clear grammatical rules governing nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Because of these simple under-pinning rules, it is also an easy language to teach. In fact, there are English language schools all over ...

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