Art Essay - Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne is considered one of the greatest artists of the last century, known to many as the ‘Father of Modern Art’. Cézanne worked ahead of his time and dedicated himself to self-depression on his own terms. Cézanne is creative and perfect in many different aspects of his art. In his paintings, single patches of the brush reveal themselves as a choice meaning that he thought carefully about his work down to the last brush stroke. He had his own unique quality that gives his paintings a ripe, continuous growth and its own character that is striking and inspiring, which I’m sure you would appreciate if you ever see one of his paintings in a gallery. Every one of his masterpieces is taken to a new height and is specifically individual in its nature. His painting is a balanced art; its qualities are compensated in a structural fashion. Paul Cézanne was born on 19th January 1839 in a southern French town of
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